Chapter 11

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The next day I woke up with a phone call. The ringing wouldn't stop. It kept going and going. I finally grabbed it and it said I had 4 missed calls from dad. Must have been something pretty serious for this to happen.

"Hello," I answered. I heard dad screaming in the background. I couldn't make out what it was.

"Dad," I said. He finally realized I was on the phone.

"Georgia it's Simon, he's been I jnjured in an accident," he said. My heart dropped. I didn't say a thing Tony say up in bed.

"Georgia did you hear me, your brother is in the hospital in critical condition," he said. I didn't move I just asked how.

"We were on our way to school. A car came out of nowhere on his side and smashed right into him, I had A fee cuts but I am fine, your brother is in icu," he said. Tears formed into my eyes. Tony rubbed my back. It felt nice but I knew I had to see him.

I clicked the line dead. Mom would have something to say about this for sure. Tony pulled me into him. He kept rubbing my arm and telling me it was okay.

"I have to go to the hospital," I said. He nodded and let go.

"I'll take you," he said. I didn't bother dressing up just through on what I had. A pair of skinny jeans and a loose t-shirt of Tony S. It was white with black stripes.

We headed out the door not letting Abraham know but I was sure Matt would text him. We headed through the streets and I kept in touch with Layla. She was there. She was such a good friend. Harry and Louis plus Niall was there and Zayn wass flying over. It must have been pretty bad. No one was closer to Simon than I was but God I prayed all the way there.

When we arrived and parked out front. I walked in but stopped. I was scared. Tony laced his fingers with mine. I smiled and walked ahead with him holding my hand. When we seen mom and dad we knew we were in the right place. Mom seen me and Tony and she sighed a relief. Dad turned around and literally glared right through him but Dani eased the state down by giving his arm a rub.

"How's Simon I wanna see him," I said seeing everyone there, including Abraham. He'd been there before we were and he seen us. But didn't budge everyone was in tears. Oh No!

"Doctors says it's up to the man upstairs. There's nothing they can do, they don't think he'll make it through the night," mom said and my heart fell and I fell crying like a baby. Tony bent down and held me my tears flowed and flowed. Dropping on Tony's arm. He had tears in his eyes for me

"SIMON, SIMON," I said trying to get up and run towards his room. But Tony held on to me.

"Georgia, No one can see him," Mom said.

"A you kidding me don't tell her that her brother is laying in that room in a coma and you're making this worse by telling her stuff like that," dad said. I knew a fight was about to start.

"It's the truth more than you're telling her, how about starting with he's dying, our son is dying Liam and you're trying to make it better by telling her it's okay," she yelled at him. Great. It's started. And my tears continued. Everyone stood still watching the fight.

"REALLY, OKAY THEN HOW ABOUT TELLING THEM THAT YOU, AMANDA, ARE DATING MY BEST FRIEND,LOUIS, MY BEST FRIEND," dad yelled. They all gasped but said nothing and Louis stood still.



"STOP IT," I screamed. The nurses noticed my outburst and came over to us.

"I wanna see my brother, now," I said. She nodded. I looked at my mom and my dad.

"This is all y'alls fault," I said before walking into Simons room. Tony waited closer to the door. I seen Simon hooked to a machine with a mask on his face and an i.v in his hands. A blood pressure cup on his arm. He had scratches all over his arms. And he was bruised up bad.

"Simon, I'm so sorry I wasn't there, I should have been it should have been me in here not you, I'm so so sorry," I said crying. I grabbed his hand. He didn't respond but it was worth a try.

"Do you remember when we were kids, you were 6 and I was 9. We were playing in the back yard. You said you wanted to play soldiers, so we did and when I got hurt and scraped my knee you bandaged me back up," I took a breath, "you said hold on a little longer it can only hurt for a little while, well, hold on Simon, it can only hurt for a little while."

This was hard to do. But I had. I had to try. And maybe that's what changed my.lofe that day. When I wasn't paying attention Simons hands squeezed mine. He was responding. He wasn't awake but he was responding. This is great!!

"Nurse, nurse," I said out the door. Mom and dad looked at each other.

"He squeezed my hand, he's responding," I said. The nurse came in and looked at the machine.

"It's a miracle, miss you just talked him out of the coma, now it's just a matter of time before he wakes up, and it could take a few days," she said.

"Is he going to be okay," I asked.

"Yes he'll be just fine as soon as he wakes up, the medicine will have to wear off but he should be fine, whatever you said, pulled him through," she said exiting.

I exited behind her and grabbed Tony giving him a hug. He hugged back but was confused. In fact everyone was confused.

"He's going to be okay, he's responsive," I said. Tony grabbed me up and kissed me quickly and spun me around. Abraham seen us but paid no mind.

"Georgia, we are sorry for always arguing, we had so much anger for each other and we know you don't like being around us because we always fight, but we have decided to put our differences away and just be your mom and dad," dad said. I sighed. And I nodded.

"Hey everyone."

"Uncle, Zayn Aunt Perrie."

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