Chapter 21

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It was here, my sixteenth birthday. I had invited Tony over. He came early. I hated not inviting Abraham. But he was being a butt. Tony loved the new look. He said it had a certain aura about it  funny guy. I loved my best friend. 

Mom and dad did the party at Louis. It was done it pink and white. And was elegant. I had on a pink and white flowered dress and my hair was curled.

"Georgia, I think this party is a hit," Matt said dancing. He was weird. But in a good way. Tony kept smiling at me. I was finally sixteen. And I was so excited. The fact that mom and dad were getting along made me happy. And I loved Louis and Dani.

I heard a whistle and it snapped me out of whatever I had been thinking of. Over near the bushes was Abraham. What was he doing over there? This wasn't good. But I couldn't ignore him forever. So I went to see what he wanted.

"What do you want," I asked. He had been crying. He hardly showed any emotions.

"Georgia, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I kissed Shontelle and I'm sorry for getting mad about you lying to me, I should not have gotten so upset. I just really needed to tell you," he said. I just stood there.

"Okay look I really am sorry, and also, I don't care if you ever talk to me after this but I had to tell you before I exploded," he stated. Well, dang I hate being here to begin with.

"Ever since I met you I knew, but I was to scared to say anything and maybe that was wrong in me," he put his hands in his pocket.

"I guess what I want to say is, I love you Georgia, and I always will," he said catching me off guard. But I thought of something.

"Then why did you kiss Shontelle back," I asked. He sighed.

"I wanted to know if you felt the same, if you'd say anything," he said. Great.

"So you did this to basically test me," I said. He sighed hard.

"I guess you could see it that way," he said. Really? Just to see if I felt anything towards him.

"You know what, plus you had a feeling I liked you, you shouldn't have kissed her, you should have asked me and for that, you need to leave and just stay away from me," I said. I started to walk away and he grabbed my arm. We are having deja vu.

"Please Georgia, I'm sorry," he said. But I didn't know how to forgive him for what he did. So I pulled my arm away and walked back to the house. Tony has been eating chips and dip.

When he seen me, he put his plate down for me to dance with him. There was a slow song playing. I decided since there was nothing better to do, I would dance with him.

And when the dance was over mom and dad came to me with smiles on their faces.  I had no clue why the sudden change in attitude but regardless this was my party and I should be happy that my friends were here, even Shontelle.

"Mom and I wanted you to know that we love you very much and we know you're growing up," dad said. Well yeah 16 here.

"So we got you something special from both of us together and Dani and Louis helped also," mom said handing me a small box. I unwrapped it slowly and inside was a key, not just any key, it was a car key.

"Wait, is this," I stopped.

"A car key, go look out front," mom said. But when I peeked around the side in the front, Abraham was sitting inside the drivers seat of a navy Mercedes Benz with a grin on his face.

"Oh my goodness, mom, what is this," I asked. She shrugged at me and told me to go ahead.

"Abraham what are you doing in my birthday gift," I asked he jumped out of the car and I seen all eyes on me  he came near me with a sincere look upon his face.

"Georgia look, I know I screwed up big time and that I can never go back and into any of it," he started. I looked back and we had an audience.

"But I know that you care for me as much as I do for you, and I'm okay if you need time, but please just remember that I do love you very much, and I have since the first day I met you," he said handing me a ticket from the zoo where we had been the first day.

"I swear to you, I'll wait as long as you need me too, I won't date anyone knowing I love you Georgia," he said. I couldn't speak. But who would in my situation? Mom and dad both looked at each other with guilt on their faces. And all I could say was 4 small words.

"I'll think about it."

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