Chapter 12

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He was here ZAYN Was here. Finally it was like life handed us a lemon and made lemonade. I hadn't seen him in 5 years. Aunt Perrie was also here and I loved her and Uncle Zayn so much. They left their kids at home. Which didn't surprise me

"How is he," Zayn asked. I told them what happened. He was just as surprised as anyone.

"And, who is this young man," he asked Me about Tony.

"Tony sir, I'm actually Georgia's boyfriend," he said shaking his hand. Wow, we were still playing this. And it was working Abraham put his head down.

"Well I must say he's a nice looking fella," uncle Zayn said. Yes he was. We grinned at each other.

Everyone caught up on what they'd bee. Doing for five years. They knew about mom and dad. Tony and I walked outside. He didn't hesitate to link our fingers. Once we were outside he stopped and let me go. He smiled.

"So you're brother is okay and your mom and dad, is getting along. What about you," he asked.

"Me what," I said. He chuckled.

"Are you okay," he asked. I sighed. Just then I seen Abraham and Shontelle walking out of the hospital hand I'm hand to his car. My heart jumped Into my throat. It hurt so bad I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Tony seen him and noticed my expression.

"You miss him," he said. I nodded with tears forming. He closed the gap between us and kissed my lips. But Abraham wasn't even wasn't even watching. I pulled away and looked up at him. He gave a sincere look, one I hadn't seen before.

"Then let's get him good," he said. Huh?

"Look one thing I know, he likes you, I seen it the first day he brought you over, and I see it now, he's hurt and acting out, and if there's one thing I know, he's gonna come clean eventually he really can't hold this in, he'll come to me, and tell me, I'll tell him the truth when the time is right," he said. I nodded to him. So he liked me? I thought so.

"When will I know," I asked.

"You'll know," he said. I just trusted him. Which I knew Tony wouldn't steer me wrong. He's been such a good friend. But the weight lifted knowing Abraham liked me.

After being at the hospital for another 2 hours Tony and I dismissed ourselves to get food and I told mom and dad I was staying with Tony since they were staying at the hospital with Simon in case he woke up.

We wanted Chinese so I got sesame chicken with brown rice. He got spicy chicken with white rice. It was pretty good. And not to mention not to pricey. But we did get pretty tired. So we decided to go back to his place. Abrahams car was there and no doubt Shontelle was here. Tony squeezed my hand. He had a good heart.

We walked inside and didn't hear a thing coming from anywhere. Maybe they were in his room. That made my skin crawl. She was a royal slut.

Tony grabbed a glass pitcher and 2 lemons. He sliced them and put them Into the pitcher with water and a cup of sugar. Lemonade! I loved Lemonade! He must've known that.

"What are we gonna do," I asked. He smiled.

"Shopping for a bikini," he said grabbing his keys. I was confused it was the middle of April and not swimming weather. But he must've had a plan.

So we left the lemonade to sit and went to the mall. Of course, we went into a clothing store. It had everything. And I loved it here. I'd only ever been twice. And then I seen it. The perfect bikini. It was red and black. Well red with black flowers on it. And it tied on each side of the bottoms and it looked like a bra up top.

"This is the one," I said grabbing a medium. He smiled. It was on sale from $39.99 to $19.99.

"Perfect, try it on see if it fits good, sometimes the size lies," he laughed. I walked into the dressing room and tried it on. It fit perfect I had the right curves. I didn't show him but I did love it. I came out after getting dressed. I nodded and he smiled.

"And now to find a towel to match," he said. They had towels hanging up for $9.99 and they had a black towel with red stripes on it. That was the one.

After buying my swimsuit and towel we left the mall. We went back to the house. He told me to put it on and make sure to have my towel too.

I came downstairs in my bikini. Tony's eyes bugged out and he stood memorized. And he also had the lemonade in his hands and it was tilting.

I ran and grabbed it before it fell. He shook his head and continued pouring the lemonade in the glasses. He handed me one.

"Follow me," he said. He led me downstairs where there was an indoor pool with three levels 4ft 5ft and 6ft. Wow.....And it was indoors. And they had concrete around it with chairs. And Abraham and Shontelle were here as well. This was what the bikini was for.

"Hey guys," Tony said. They were sitting in a chair together. This was so painful. Tony laced his arm around my waist.

"Oh hey you too," Shontelle said. Abraham said a faint hey.

"So, how did you guys come up with an indoor pool," I asked.

"Well, we loved swimming and made sure to have it built in before we moved in," Tony said. Shontelle kept watching us.

"I probably should get back, dad is probably going crazy," she said. She got up and walked away. Abraham was all alone but didn't move. I sipped my lemonade. Crap I forgot my phone.

"Hey Tony do you remember where I left my phone," I asked.

"In my room why," he asked.

"I'll be right back," Shontelle rode with Abraham so she didn't leave. She knew I had left my phone upstairs.

When I got up to my room she was there and she had my phone. I hadn't deleted my history. And I should have because she could use it against Me.

"Shontelle," I said. She grinned turning to face me.

"So Georgia, you and Tony are pretending because you like Abraham," she said. I reached for my phone but she pulled it away.

"I won't tell, if, you promise to stay away from Abraham, No contact whatsoever, I don't care for you being here with Tony but Abraham is off limts and I will be watching at school and everyday after school here until the sun goes down," she said.

"And if I dont," I asked. She holds my phone up.

"Prom night, I show this to the entire school."

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