Chapter 1

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So 5 years later, I'm still with mom, Simon stayed behind with dad, sure I see him every weekend. Mom was on tour so I was staying with him for the next 2 weeks. And of course Simon was here. Not grandpa but brother. 15 years were gone already. I was soon to be 16 in 2 months though. The best news I heard, Louis and El broke up too. Didn't make it so hard. I understood Seth and Shuana. Seth and Shuana  was 14 almost 15. And of all the teens 1d had, Matt was my favorite. He just turned 15. But he was tall and very handsome. Of course Mark was his twin but, they weren't identical.

"Rose, mom's on tv," Simon yelled from the living quarters. I ran into to see her singing on the television. Dad was in the kitchen, trying to fix food.

"She's so good," I said.

"Yes she is," Dad said coming into the room we were in, carrying pizza. He makes them all the time.

"Dad, why did you guys decide to quit being married I know it was hard and fighting was worse but why," Simon asked. I looked over and seen the expression on dad's face.

"She found that being away from each other was easier than fighting, it wouldn't have been healthy for any of us, besides I thought you guys liked the girl I've been seeing for 2 years now," he said. Oh yeah......Danielle.

"We do, she's nice and she can dance," I said. I liked her.

"Well good because I'm going to ask her to marry me," He said. I spit the pizza out of my mouth. Simon didn't say anything.

"WHAT, Dad that's great," I said, "Simon isn't that wonderful."

He shrugged. He didn't care about anything. He liked Dani but he just didn't show to much expression.

"I thought you'd say that, so is your mom back out there, in the dating pool," he asked. Hmmm....

"No she's focused on her music, when you and the guys split up she lost it, I mean yeah they still come over and chill but she loved all of yall," I said. He nodded. There was a knock at the door.

Mom was only touching 33 years old. You'd think she'd date again. But then I guess her music career is still going strong and she has her head on her shoulders for that.

"Hi kids," Dani said entering the room. I got up and hugged her.

"Hi Dani, y'all have plans today," I asked. Simon waved at her. She waved back.

"Well yes as a matter of fact how would all of you like to go to the zoo..or animal park, not sure which it's called but it has rides a lot and animals," she stopped herself. Simon jumped up from his seat.

"I'm game," he said. I giggled.

"Sure." I said. Dad smiled. Dani told us to get ready.

I ran to my room upstairs. Dani and dad met there. They bumped into each other and it was love at first sight. I put on some casual jeans with slits in the legs. A beautiful flowy navy blue and pink short sleeved shirt. And my navy converse. I put my hair in a high messy bun. I was ready.

"Ready," I said coming off the last step. Dad and Dani waited for me cause Simon wore his normal clothing. A t-shirt with star wars, and blue jean shorts.

*We entered the amusement park and I seen Niall and Rose with Their boys. MATT! They weren't matching other than the shorts, both had navy denim shorts on but Matt had a white tank with a pug on it. Marks was black with nothing on it 

"Rosie," Niall said giving me a hug then bumped fists with Simon.

"Hi uncle Ni, Aunt rose," I said. MATT smiled at me.

"Hi Georgia," He said. I smiled.

"Hey Matt," I blushed. Dad seen me and looked away.

" Well let's let the kids go do what they want to Louis is supposed to bring his two kids, and I think Harry said he might be here," Liam said. He dismissed himself. The adults went the other way.

"How about a ride Simon," Mark asked. He was trying to give me and Matt alone time. We were just friends but we did like each other.

Me and Matt waited in silence for a few minutes. We walked over to the food stand to get a lemonade. He paid for mine.

"So, I seen your mom this morning," He said. I smiled.

"Yeah she's great, but she needs to start dating again," I said. He nodded agreeing.

"Listen I'm having a party Friday night, can you come," He asked. I knew that was when my mom would come back.

"I don't know I mean, my mom comes back friday," I said. He pouted.

"Please, I want you there," he said making my heart jump.

"Is uncle Ni okay with this," I asked. He shrugged.

"He said a few friends, no booze and No baby making, I'm about to be 15 though in a few months and you're 15 already so what could we do that normal people don't do really," he said. I sighed.

"Okay," I said. He smiled and thanked me.

I got a text. From dad.

Louis is here with the kids ,im fixing to propose to Dani come to the Birds cage

I showed the text to Matt he wouldn't spill the beans I trusted him. He was my best friend. We headed to the bird cages. Simon and Mark caught up with us. Once we arrived, Dad was talking to Louis.

"Uncle Lou," I shouted. He waved and hugged me.

"Awww, Georgia I missed you two," he said. He kept his kids cause Am didn't want to deal with them, pathetic.

"Okay, so Dani, I have something to talk to about," Dad broke the silence. Dani looked at him and nodded. He got down on one knee.

"Dani, I love you so much, you are my everything aside from my kids, I want to be with you for whatever life I have left, Dani will you marry me," He said opening the ring box to reveal a diamond shaped diamond ring with small diamonds on the side.

"Oh my goodness, yes," She said he slipped the ring on her finger.

I backed up to give some space. But I bumped into someone. I turned around and seen a beautiful, no handsome Puerto Rican boy with dark brown hair gel in it to stick up. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a cut off white shirt with a flannel around his waist. He was tall, around 5'10 of course I was o my 5'5 so he was taller than me.

"I-im so sorry," I said realizing I spilt my drink on him. He smiled at me.

"Its okay, I'm Abraham," he said. Yes! Abraham Mateo. Oh my goodness.

He was every bit as pretty as I imagined. He was about 17 maybe 18. I was 16 in 2 months. Omg he just spoke and I didn't tell him my name.

"I'm Georgia Rose," I said. He smiled.

"Abraham," I heard Louis say...He knew him?

"Louis, what's up man," Abraham said. I kept watching them talk about some kinda tour they were going on together. He was so sexy. MATT come up beside me. He bumped my arm, I nodded. Abraham noticed.

"Is this your boyfriend," said as Louis backed away.

"Oh no, Matt is my best friend, has been since we could talk," I said. MATT nodded and introduced himself.

"Hey I'm having a party this Friday, you should come," Matt said. He smiled.

"Sure," he said.

After Abraham gave us his number and we have ours to him, we dismissed our self but not before I rode the avalanche with him. He was so sweet, and he wasn't to much older than me, wad Matt in the picture, sure but he was my best friend I liked him as a crush but nothing more than that and that was fading.

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