Chapter 5

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I stopped mid track. The teacher, Mr. Bruno..who was mid 30's and buff as can be with blonde hair, seemed to noticed.

"Ladies you have only walked twice you have three rounds move it," he said. We got to walking.

"You're kiddo g right, I just met him a week ago," I said. She shrugged at me.

"Well he certainly is taken with you maybe you should ask him," she said. I looked at Abraham, who was literally doing some speedy sit ups. He stopped and waved at me. I waved back.

"No besides some other girl has probably asked and if I know Shontelle Fox, he'll be taken in no time," I told her. She laughed.

"Yeah she likes everyone in this school how she skipped to 10th grade is beyond me. She's 14 soon to be 15 looking like she's 16 with a bad attitude and an Iq of 2," she laughed. It was pretty funny.

After P.e we went to our last class. Music Apreciation. Mrs. Branch. She was okay for a 40 year old woman. She loved pop, cou try, oldies, anything with a beat.

"Okay ladies and young men, today we will be taking names of those who plan to sing at prom, sign up is free and each person should have 2 songs ready to perform," she said. Before I could say anything Shontelle came over to Abraham. She placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You want to sign up Abraham, I will sing with you," she said. He looked at me and I shrugged but kept my frown.

"I'll think about it," he said.

"Please do, by the way I'm Shontelle," she said. He shook her hand and then she flipped her hair.

"Oh would you like to take me to your junior prom?"

"Um, I guess, why not we can all go as friends," he said. She chuckled.

"Great, see ya," she said walking away hips moving back and forth. Her long dark hair swayed. She killed me.

After school I received a text from mom saying to try and see if one of my friends could take me home. She was going to be late because she had to go to a friend's house. Which was silly but okay.

"Abraham can I hitch a ride my mom literally just canceled on me," I asked. He nodded to me.

"Sure, you can meet my brother," he said. I wasn't to thrilled about that but I nodded.

When we arrived at his place I was in a bit of awe. 2 story with a front bay window it was beautiful. He parked right out on the side of the street and got out. I followed behind him though.

He opened the door to his house and out comes a small black terror pup. Barking up a storm.

"Mila, no," a man yelled from the inside. He came around the corner having the same hairstyle as Abraham but he was much taller and older.

"Mila," Abraham said picking her up. The guy looked at me. He examined me for a minute before smiling.

"Hi I'm Tony his brother," he said pointing at Abraham. I waved at him.

"This is Georgia Rose," Abraham said. He grinned and told us to come in. When we reached the kitchen Tony wanted to know what I would like to eat.

"Oh no I wouldn't wanna Intrude," I said.

"Nonsense your Abrahams friend and that means you are mine, even if I am a lot older," he said. How old was He?

"Nineteen," Tony said. I said that out loud just like my mother did.

"So what to eat," he asked. He offered me a variety of things.

"I'll have a grilled cheese with tomato please," I said sitting on the bar. Abraham sat beside me. Tony made us both grilles cheeses with Tomato but Abraham had Lettuce to.

We ate out lunch, with water, and by the end of the day Tony and I were friends. I had his number in case anything happened and he had mine. Abraham dropped me off by 6pm. Mom still wasn't home. Wonder where she was. But then I seen her pull up in the drive as I was going in the house.

She had on her gym clothes. Mom just now got back? Something was going on and even if I hated knowing I would never know until she was ready to speak I was going to have to get over it.

Mom didn't say anything to me but I had walked I before her. Of course she wouldn't she's probably tired. And I was tired after the long day I had. My legs were tired, my ears were tired from all the learning, I was just tired.

I crawled in bed and out like a light. My mind wandered to everything I could possibly think of. But the one thing I kept thinking of was Abrahams question the other night. If I went with him and did this gig, would people think I was trying to be like mom and dad? I didn't know why but I didn't want to be like them.

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