Chapter 22

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It's been two days since my birthday and all I can do is sulk. I haven't driven my car, I've stayed inside, and I've not even answered my phone calls. I was so depressed. I was so in love with Abraham that I literally couldn't speak to anyone about. Layla tries contacting me and I just ignored her. Tony tried calling and I just ignored him.

Mom made my favorite tonight. Lasagna with Italian meatball. We only had it one time in a month. Literally just one time a month. And I couldn't eat it. But she left it by the table. And she didn't speak. And she also left ice water. She was sweet and I just ripped her heart into like everyone else.

Dad tried contacting me today, I didn't care enough to call back. Mom was worried and I was ashamed of myself. I felt like Abraham would hate me now. Because after I said those four little words, he left. No goodbye just a half smile and left. And now he hasn't tried contacting me. He hates me or so I was thinking.

"Georgia, there's someone here to see you," mom said. And then out of no where Simon, my grandfather, walks into the room.

"Grandpa, what are you doing here," I asked. He looked good to be 70. Still dark headed, very few wrinkles.

" I came to see my favorite granddaughter of course," he literally meant that. I was the only sane one he had.

"Grandpa I'm so confused, and I'm scared," he stopped me with a hand.

"Your mother told me everything ,and I have to tell you something," he said. And then he told the story of the rose. A beautiful story I'd heard when I was little. Maybe about 7.

"So in the end she married him, and had her daughter be the flower girl, and everything worked ad it was supposed to," he said. Hmm, good story. Only, something I had seen reminded me of that story. The rose, the song, it was about...

"It was mom and dad's love story," I said. He giggled.

"Indeed and though in the future things didn't work, it still worked in the present for them, always take a chance Gerogia, because you'll never know when the last pedal will fall," he said standing up. He looked back to me before leaving and said something that made me happy inside.

"Your like Ember skies, your spirit is fire, and your heart is gold, use that," he said leaving. He was right. I had a wild spirit but a good heart. And Abraham knew that. If I could just tell him I forgave him, and that I wanted to be his then everything would be okay, but where did I start?

I sunk back in bed trying to contain the tears building up. But I couldn't. They fell so fast I couldn't stop them. That's when it hit me the most. I knee I had to tell Abraham. But I couldn't stop crying. It was bad. I picked up the phone. I dialed his number and clicked the green number. It rang once. No answer. Twice. No answer. Three times.

"Georgia, hi I didn't think I'd hear from you for a while, I'm glad you called," he said. I tried to contain my heartache but his voice was so angelic.


"Georgia, are you okay," he asked.

"Abraham please-" I stopped talking. He said something but the line clicked like he hung up. And I didn't hear what he had said.

I cried into my pillow. I tried to fight it but it hit me hard. It was so bad that I almost blurred out. And so I gathered myself and began breathing in and out. I wanted to hide under a rock so bad but I couldn't. I heard a knock at the door and then entered the one person I didn't think I'd see for a long time.

"ABRAHAM," I said loudly. He came to my side and gripped me in a hug. It was warm and gentle. He was always so tender with me. It made me want to cry and cry but I took a breath and released him.

"Georgia you scared me I thought something bad had happened to you," he said. I shook my head.

"It has, Abraham I've been trying to convince myself that I didn't want to talk to you, or forgive you, or see you but I can't do that anymore," I said. He was confused. He stood up when I stood up.

"ABRAHAM I do forgive you because I love you, and I want to be with you and I'm sorry for lying to you, and I'm sorry for hurting you but I want to make it right I want us to be together because I want to be with you, God I was so foolish, I was stupid, I love you so much it tears me to shreds thinking that you won't ever forgive me for not saying anything to you two days ago, or that you were ignoring me and not wanting to talk to me-"

"Georgia I was giving you space, of course I want to be with you, I love you, no, I'm in love with you, I can't imagine my life without you," he grabbed my hands. That made me chill up. I smiled. He was so handsome and sweet.

"Will you be my girl," he asked. I smiled.

"Yes,of course I will," I said. His hands found my face and his lips found my lips. His kiss was so electric. He was so amazing. I loved this boy. And he loved me. And that was all I needed to know. He was mine, I was his. We stayed connected for a little while, until Grandpa came in and gave us both "the talk" and i was so embarrassed. But he meant well. And that was the best part, grandpa knew we'd be together.

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