Chapter 17

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Huh? Engaged? The world just flipped upside down and swallowed me  I loved mom and Louis but this soon. What was happening to my messed up family? I had no idea what was going on anymore. Simon was happy but me, I was surprised. They'd only been dating secretly for two or three months.

"We will be getting married next year, after Georgia graduates school," mom said. Well that makes it better.

"And I want Georgia to be the maid of honor, and of course we want Matt and Mark to be best men, and we want Simon to walk me in," mom said. Wait, Brother, SIMON? Oh my God! Hold on me?

"Um, I don't know what to say," I said. Mom giggled.

"Say yes, and with words," she laughed. That's what aunt Kassie says. I took a breath.

"Yeah sure," I said. And then Dani also spoke up. And this is where it was Interesting.

"We eloped right before Simon wrecked," she said. Huh?

"Well congratulations," mom said. Dani smiled. She was so excited. Mom had showed me the beautiful diamond ring. It was squared with a silver band.

"Well I'm tired, Simon are you going home with dad and Dani," I asked. They looked at each other.

"He's staying here over the weekend we are planning a short honeymoon we won't be here for the weekend our train leaves in an hour so we have to be heading out," dad said. I got excited but he's have to be extra careful getting upstairs. He still had bruised ribs.

* Simon had stayed with mom for a week. Abraham was ignoring me still. Tony came over to hang out but he was mostly here for Simon. I didn't mind but I just hated not being able to talk to Abraham. I was turning sixteen in a month and two weeks. And prom was only two weeks away. And it would be so sad seeing Abraham there. But I agreed to still go with Tony and was told Simon would be able to go.

Mr. Diego and the prom committee met twice a week noe to go over detail. It was so sad that it took them a month to get ready for junior prom. But the gym was coming along nicely. The theme was love in Paris. There was an empire state building cut from cardboard with lights placed I'm small holes. There was sheer mesh hung all around and lights in them to. There was a carriage for pictures beside the Empire State Building. And on the other corners were tall columns with rises in them. It was beautiful. There was a huge red carpet in the middle of the floor.

"It looks really good," I said to Me. Diego," I said. He was staring at me 

"Yes it does," he said. I blushed and almost tripped over a chord but he caught me. No one else was in here, but we kept it professional. He stood me back up.

"Careful, wouldn't want to break a leg before prom," he said. I giggled. He was so funny. He kept watching me as I was looking around. I seen the music station and hooked my phone in. I played 'Poison and wine by the civil wars. He came to me and offered his left hand. I took it.

We danced slowly in the middle of the floor. I noticed his facial expression. He was being romantic but keeping it rated g.

"Mr. Diego-"

"Call me Just Diego," he said. We kept dancing.

The song changed about that time. And it was playing despecito, oh he was Spanish. Wonder if he's notice. He stopped in his track and bowed to me I did the same. I had a dress on. His right hand was on my waist and the other in my right hand. My left on his shoulder. Our hips moved to the rythym. He was good.

We didn't notice anyone watching but there was. He swung me out then in and then back together. Right foot back body turn. Right foot up body turn and repeat. Dip slightly and back up. Twist twist. Almost doing the Lambada the forbidden face. This was fun. He was being serious though. This was so cool. I knew how to dance and I had told Abraham I loved it but Diego could dance. And we faced each other rolling our bodies before turning in a circle to look at each other. Then separated to do a little cha cha and back together, dip and back up.

When we finished we were face to face and I seen Abraham leave from the corner of my eye. Diego grabbed my face and nodded. He let let me go.

"You can dance, you should try out for the dance team next year I'll be on it, as the teacher," he said. Oh wow, he wants me on the team. He started to leave but I stopped him.

"Okay I'll do it," I said. He smiled and walked away. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better.......DAD!

"What was that," he asked as he entered backing Diego into the wall I had grabbed my phone and raced to Diego.

"Dad he was just dancing with me, he's going to be the teacher next year for dance, let him go," I said. Dad looked at me.

"He was dancing sexually with you," he said. Diego chuckled. Dad was angry and I couldn't say another word.

"Its Spanish dancing, like Lambada it's supposed to look like that Liam," he said. Dad looked at me and I nodded. He let him go.

"Sorry, I didn't realize that you're culture did that sort of thing," he said. Diego nodded and left. That was embarrassing. And yet I knew who told him. Dad was stopped by Abraham. So I raced out and seen Abraham getting in his car. He smiled to himself.

"Did you get what you wanted," I asked. He looked around and seen me coming and shut his door.

"Telling my dad about Diego isn't gonna help this situation I don't know what you're playing at, but leave him out of it, it's me you want to hurt then fine, hurt me, but going after Diego isn't going to do that," I said.

"It isn't about that, he is eleven years older than you and whether you like it or not he could be considered a pedofile," he said. I snickered.

"You know what, if you really care about who I'm with, then do something about it, otherwise dont ever speak to me again jerk, what I did was because you kissed Shontelle in front of you, and whether you want to admit it or not you were bothered. By  Tony and me being together so stay out of my life unless you plan to do something about your feelings."

And I walked away.

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