Chapter 13

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She handed back my phone and left. She had sent a copy to herself. She was seriously annoying. I can't believe she did that. This was going to be bad. So I ran downstairs and seen Abraham walking out with her. Tony had come back into the kitchen. I told him what happened. He sighed.

"Georgia what are you going to do, you like him so much," he said. I nodded.

"I know," I said. We sat at the bar thinking but couldn't think of anything. Tony couldn't confront her because she would tell everyone.

"Just wait until prom night is over and then tell him, I mean she said shed tell at prom night so it's unlikely she will do it anyway," he said. Maybe. But Shontelle was a very mean person inside and out.

"She would probably do it anyway even if I didn't stay away from him," I said. He tilted his head in agreement.

"Well, at least it would be out in the open, " he said. He made sense but I didn't want it to be. He'd know that we had lied to him and I couldn't take that. I liked him to much.

Abraham came back in and joined us in the kitchen. He wasn't being distant as usual. In fact just the opposite. He looked at me and smiled.

"You wouldn't wanna go for a swim would you," he asked. I looked and Tony he put his hand out in agreement. I nodded and followed Abraham.

We reached the last step when he turned around and smiled again. What was he doing. This wasn't a good thing. I wasn't supposed to be alone with him. But he was beautiful.

"Georgia I miss us," he said. Yeah me too. I did not say that.

"REALLY I thought you were okay I mean you still have friends," I said. He shrugged.

"But you're my best friend, the very first one that helped me in school and I just couldn't have made it without you," he said. I nodded to him. This was not good at all.

"Georgia, why have you been avoiding me and not telling me about Tony and you , and why have you been upset with me," he asked. I couldn't say anything. I wanted to but I couldn't I just looked down in shame knowing I was lying but only to hurt him.

"Talk to me," he said. I sighed.

" Look, I just have had a lot going on, and as far as Tony and I we just connected he's sweet and kind. I just liked him and I've just been busy," I said. I lies again.

"Okay, but don't shut me out please," he said. I sighed.

"I should get back, I have to help fix dinner," I said. He noddedd and I left.

At dinner we didn't talk and all we had was a chicken salad and seasoned pork steaks. It was okay but not the meal I'd have had especially since it was a romantic one.

I told Tony what was said. He said it sounded like he was jealous. And he also said he hates lying to him but in order for him to fess up, if have to continue. And I knew that. But I didn't like lying to him.

I was falling in love with Abraham and I was lying and pushing him away. This was the worst feeling. But Tony made it better by joking around with me  and he even made some sugar cookies.  He was my true best friend.

**Thursday morning. I woke up to Tony's arm around me again. This guy was a heavy sleeper. Wait, No I was. I got up slowly remembering that he had to take me to school. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back down.

"Tony I have to go to school," I said. He grunted.

"But I want you to stay here, with me," he said. I giggled.

"Tony I would love to stay in bed all day but I can't we have to go now come on," I said. He let me go. I got up and grabbed my bag I had mom pack for me. And drop off yesterday. Well last night. Tony must've gotten it while I was with Abraham.

I went to the bathroom and put my burgundy dress that was fluffy and knee length with thin straps, on. A white half sweater and white converse. I pulled my hair back and pulled a strand down. I stepped out.

"Wow, that is such a cute outfit," he said.

"Come on, school time," I said. He got up and changed into some blue jeans and a black button up. I headed downstairs. Abraham was in the kitchen drinking orange juice. He seen me and smiled.

"Morning both of you," he said. I looked at Tony. Abraham was dressed in black skinnies and a red button up.

"Morning," I said taking a glass out of the cabinet. I poured some juice and chugged it. Tony grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. Abraham followed and got in his car.

*School. It wasn't fun but it wasn't bad. I loved school It was an escape. And I loved it. Abraham pulled up behind us. I had a good question for Tony.

"If you know Abraham doesn't he know you," I asked he was confused.

"You can tell if he likes me, but couldn't he tell if we were dating," I asked he shook his head.

"No he's not the type to lay attention to things like that," he said I nodded getting out of the car. Abraham began walking to me until Shontelle moved towards him watching me and I walked on.

Breakfast was a bust I could not talk to Abraham and it sucked. In fact School sucked. And I was sucked into staying after school. I hated this so bad. But Layla kept me busy. Thank heavens she was there honestly.

Tony picked me up after school. I seen Shontelle with Abraham again. I hated her. But I had to deal with it. Or my cover would be blown.

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