Chapter 7

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I had walked out into the hall and on my way to class I ran into Mr. Diego. He was on his way to the cafeteria. I stopped thinking of something to say but the words couldn't explain my emotions right now. Anger, hurt, fear, and a little alone.

"Oh, Georgia I'm so sorry," he said making sure I was okay.

"I'm fine Mr. Diego," I lied. He seen right through me though. Lord he was so handsome. He was nice looking. He's beautiful.

"Thanks Georgia you're quite lovely too," he said. Dang I said that aloud. Of course he's 11 years older than me and it was wrong. But I couldn't help but crush on him. I love Puerto Ricans.

"Georgia would you mind coming with me, back to my class room," he asked. I shrugged and followed behind him. When we arrived I heard the door click and Mr. Diego sat at his desk.

"I know being the youngest Junior is hard, and I get that you have certain feelings and emotions, and sometimes they get mixed up," he paused. I stood silently listening.

"However I think this whole crush thing you have on me is a bad thing," he said my heart dropped into my chest.

"I'm not saying if you weren't older that I wouldn't be Interested you are a beautiful young woman, but I'm way older and you have your whole teen years left," he said. It still hurt me to the bone. But I understood. It didn't mean I liked it. But I knew he was right.

"I know Mr. Diego you're right I'm sorry," I said turning to the door. He didn't stop me. So I walked away.

Well this day kept Getting better and better. If I didn't know any better I'd think the universe hated me. Then maybe the universe wanted me for itself, who knew. I didn't know what it was about today, but I'd be glad when it was over.

First block, I ignored everyone. Literally everyone. Abraham wasn't to worried about it because he didn't seem to notice I was ignoring him.

Second block, was the same. I didn't say a word. Third block, didn't say anything. Fourth was hard. Mr. Diego was ignoring my presence. I swear this was the worst day.

By the end of the day, I was ready to hide in my locker. And I wouldn't come out. Abraham still didn't see me ignoring him. He must've been thinking about other things. I had to work on the prom committee.

I didn't know how to cope. I walked in, and seen Mr. Diego and Abraham both. And also Shontelle. I hated her now. She seriously over stepped her boundaries. Though she didn't know I liked Abraham. How could she. But I still liked him.

Layla caught my eye and waved me over. I joined her and Matt. I was surprised to see him, I was guessing Layla convinced him to join.

"Georgia," Matt said excitedly. I grinned barely. Mr. Diego stoped at our group

"Why so glum did one of the teachers say something not so nice to you," Matt asked. Mr. Diego turned away and walked over to a different  group.
Guilt. He felt bad.

"Well it doesn't matter, I just wanna go home and relax," I said. Matt noticed my sudden mood change.

"Awe G, I'm so sorry that you're having a bad day," Matt said.

Once the day was done I walked out of the school. Abraham was waiting by the car. But I seen Shontelle walking towards him so I walked the other direction.

"Georgia, hey," he yelled but I kept walking. He ran from Shontelle and up to me  he grabbed me by the arm.

"Hey, aren't I giving you a ride today," he asked. I turned around.

"I just need some air I think I'll just walk okay," I said with hurt in my heart. He let go.

"Okay well am I picking you up in the morning," he asked sincerely. I sighed.

"I won't be going tomorrow, actually I have 2 days of being with my dad, so I'll be gone," I lied. I was just going to stay home. He nodded.

"Okay well I'll get the assignments and give them to you," he said. I nodded and turned back around.

Home sweet home. When I got back I seen Louis car out front. This is just what I need. I hated having to deal these things alone. And just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Dad shows up with Dani. And Simon.

"Roselynn," Dani said. I didn't say a word I just walked inside the house.

Louis was standing in the living quarters with mom. He looked at me .

"Well hello Rose," he said I just rolled my eyes and went upstairs.

"Hmm, bad day at school I guess," Mom said. Yeah mom just that, whatever you say.

I went upstairs and threw my things on the floor. Hmm.....why was Dani and dad here and Louis? What was going on. Mom was pretty secretive but something told me that she was having a coming clean dinner, because I smelled food. I wanted to invite someone else over and I couldn't deal with anyone from school. Speaking of Seth and Shuana must've been with Matt and Mark tonight.

I called Tony. It rang 3 times before picking up the phone.

"Georgia, hi," he said. I said hello back to him.

"Do you want to come to dinner, I would invite someone else but I just really want someone I don't see all the time," I said.

"Yeah I'll be there in 10," he said. He lives 2 blocks away. I was glad of that.

10 minutes and he was knocking on the door. I ran downstairs and opened the door. He stood in front of me in a pair of brown skinnies and a tan and white plaid shirt.

"Mom we have a guest for dinner," I said. She came into where he was at the door.

"Hi I'm Amanda Georgia's mother," she said shaking his hand.

"I'm Tony," he spoke.

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