Chapter 20

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I told mom what I wanted. And she agreed. I was coloring my hair, blonde with ember highlights. I got a whole new wardrobe. With Pink, Red, orange and white. No navy or maroon. This was my choice, my change. I got my hair trimmed and styled for school.

So no day morning I woke up and brushed my hair out. It was so wavy and just bounced perfectly. I also grabbed a white mini skirt right below my thighs, a very pink tank top, which I tucked, and a white cardigan. I dressed in two inch pink heels and applied light blush to my cheeks and grey eyeliner on my eyes.

I walked downstairs, slowly, and when mom seen me she almost had a heart attack. She loved it. The new me was perfectly able to handle anything. And that's exactly what I was going to do. I had an extra white knee length flowy skirt in case I had to dance.

When we got to school Abraham was standing outside with Matt. When they seen the new me, mouths were dropping. I got out and walked across the parking lot like a boss. I was tough. It didn't bother me that Abraham was standing there. Because I was going to break a lot of hearts.

"Georgia," I heard from beside me. I turned to see Diego. He had a faint smile.

"Dang, girl you changed and it looks great," he said. I winked at him. His eyes widened. Mark came up to me. He was just as surprised as anyone.

"Wow, can I say you look so great," he said. I winked at him to.

I walked into the school for breakfast. Everyone's mouths dropped. And I was getting compliments. I was happy now. I was finally doing something for me  and this felt good. I was waiting for someone to insult me but they didn't. And they couldn't.

"So what's with the new get up," Matt asked. Abraham was sitting there.

"Needed a change, and did I mention how much I loved pink," I said. Abraham just sat silently. This was his fault. And he knew that.

When school let out mom was ready to pick me up. She was waiting outside when Diego came to me. He had a smirk on his face.

"So I hear that this was over a boy I'm school," he said. I shrugged. He moved closer.

"Was it me," he asked grabbing my waist. I giggled and decided I'd better just tell him.

"Oh but didn't you hear there's this sexy English teacher that I've had the hots for all year and he thinks I'm to young, so I just wanted to make him jealous by looking hot while guys liked up to worship me," I said  he let go of me.

"Georgia, you don't have to do this for any man, they'd be lucky to have you the way you were," he said. I looked down at the floor but he pulled my chin to face him. And he kissed my cheek. Before I knew it, Abraham stormed into the hall, from the gym.

"Hey, step away from her," he said. Oh no not this again. A kiss on the cheek is just a kiss on the cheek. He didn't even do this sexually.

"Abraham, go away," I said. He snickered.

"Seriously, you used to be my best friend and then you up and start ignoring me, I try to protect you and you push me away, I tried to talk to you and just shoved me to the side, and then I inform your dad about you and Diego being alone and tried to steer you right, and you just blow me off," he said. Diego then got the picture.

"He's the reason you changed," he said pointing at him. Abraham was confused.

"What, why would you do this because of me," he asked. I sighed.

"It doesn't matter my mom's waiting," I said turning around. He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"I don't care, I wanna know what's going on," he said. I was not going to let him get to me.

"Let me go, I am going home," I said jerking my arm away. And I walked out.

Mom was standing by the car until she seen me. And she got back in. I got in the passenger side. Diego thought I'd changed because of him. No I changed for me. I felt so much better about myself. I hadn't changed like this ever and I loved it. And the fact that Abraham thought it was for him, made it worse to be around him. I hated being close to him but when we move, it'll be worse. Oh no it was worse.

We pulled up at Louis. This was bad. This couldn't have been good. I had been packing but we couldn't be moved this soon there was still some clothes left and and my bed and 2 dressers.

"So we moved the rest of it out today are now living here with Louis."

This just got worse. And whatever I do, will be monitored by Seth and Shuana. This was going to be very Interesting. And my birthday wasn't but two weeks away. 

It's going to be a long two weeks.

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