Chapter 4

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Ahh...Monday morning. School started back today. I hated getting up at 6:30am just to take an hour getting dressed and ready. But school started at 8am and I wasn't going to be late. Besides we had a junior prom to go to.....I had already been asked to go by several people but I wouldn't accept.

I put a navy blue and yellow knee length sun dress on, with yellow converse. I straightened my hair with two braids one on each side pinned back. I put light makeup on and left my room with my flower pink and navy bag.

"Georgia, time to go," Mom yelled from downstairs. The school we all went to was midway from town and outside of town where dad lived. Simon was in 8th grade going into 9th so he was with us. There was two different schools one for preschool through 6th grade. The other was from 7th into 12th or senior. There weren't to many juniors though. We were the smallest class. Only 60 students all together. Which wasn't a lot but add Abraham to it and you get 61.

"Coming mom," I yelled as I stepped off the last step. She smiled at me with her plain white tee and leggings on. She had running shoes and a protein shake in her hand along with her phone attached to her phone arm bad holder.

"Going for a workout at the gym again," I asked. She loved staying fit, we rarely ate fatty junk foods. Just a coke a day, and maybe a slice of pie or cake.

"As a matter of fact," she opened the door and we walked out, "I'm meeting someone there to work out with me."

I chuckled to myself. Mom has a date, with who I wonder?

"Lets go get you to school before you are late,"she said climbing in the car.

We headed off to school. We actually rode in total silence it was kind of nice. When we arrived I seen Abraham pulling up in his black corvette made from the 80s. It was beautiful. And he was licenced so that was great.

"Okay now be have and if I don't text you then you know that I'm coming to get you otherwise I'll text you maybe one of your friends could drive you home if I'm caught up," she said. I nodded and headed to school.

Abraham waved me over. He hugged me as a friend would. And smiled at me so sweetly.

"Good morning Georgia," He spoke. I smiled a relayed the same message to him.

"So what classes do you have," I asked. He handed me a piece of paper.

English 3
Gym class
Music Appriciation.

"Same as mine, literally all of them," I said to him.

"Hmm, so how long is each class," he asked. I walked him inside.

"An hour and thirty minutes but we get twenty for lunch and fifteen for breakfast. Breakfast is usually right when we walk into our first class and lunch is in youth class beginning," I said. He nodded.

"You're just a most wonderful friend," he said making my cheeks burn.

"Thank you so much," I replied to him shyly. He smiled as we walked into the cafeteria.

"Morning miss Georgia and this must be the new student Abraham," Principle Duncan said. He was tall wore glasses and and a ton of brown hair which he kept shaved.

"Yes Abraham this is Priciple Duncan," I told him. They shook hands and said hello. Principle Duncan told him to have a good day and we left to sit with the others.

"Hey Georgia, hi Abraham what are you two doing," Matt asked sitting beside Darcy. Well, this was nice.

"Oh you know learning, being scholastic and all that stuff," I said. They laughed as we sat down. I grabbed the banana off of Matt's plate because he wouldn't eat it anyway. I asked Abraham what kinda food and fruit he likes. He told me he loves oranges, apples, bananas, and grapes. I loved grapes but the only one who would share theirs with us would be, Layla and that's because she hates them. Simon loved oranges but he was given an Apple and he hated apples unless there wad caramel involved.

After Simon have Abraham his Apple, we got our breakfast. They were serving biscuit and gravy and a spoon full of scrambled eggs. Plus a juice, water, or milk. I chose orange juice. Abraham chose Apple juice. And we joined the others and gobbled our food down.

1st class was boring. Mrs. Lucas was so weird. She always had to joke(which she was bad at) about her cats behavior. Seriously off somewhere. She taught Calculas and thought it was funny to call it catulas.

Second class was great though. Mr. Nelson was super cute. He was mixed, and perfect. So fit and buff. He was beautiful. He was only 30 unlike Mrs. Lucas who was 45.

Third was art. Mrs. Weeber was so nice. She was just reaching 26 years old and beautiful. She seemed taken by Abraham. She smiled at him often, and he never seemed to notice at first. He thought she was being nice but then he started smiling back.

English, yea Mr. Diego. He was also Puerto Rican. And so hot and he was only 27 which was a good year for him. He looked so.much younger. Not to mention he was my favorite teacher around.

"Ahh, Roselynn glad you could make it in I have something to discuss with you," he said. He knew I liked him but he though it would pass, it didn't he was hot.

"Sure Mr. Diego, oh this is Abraham," I said. He shook his hand. They started speaking in Spanish, I almost turned over.

"Anyway, I wanted to see how you would like to be on the prom commit for next month, I am the head of it because I love music and fun," he said. I looked at Abraham. Mr. Diego had never asked me to do an out of school activity before.

"Sure Mr. Diego I'd love to," I said. Abraham asked if he too could join.

"Sure, the more the merrier plus you speak my language," he said. I needed to learn Spanish so I'll get right on that later.

"Be here tomorrow after school 3:30 sharp," he said. We nodded and took our seats.

Lunch was quite and normal. Just another lunch. We had Italian pizza. Which was okay because we got a choice of a side salad with roll or toast. Or Green beans and sweet corn. I chose salad and roll. With a water of course. Mom never let me eat anything unhealthy.

5th class was P.e. So stressful. All the girls had to do was walk around the gym 5 times. It was huge. The guys were made to do push ups and sit ups. Abraham was good at those. His muscles were more than I imagined. He kept watching me. I smiled and made faces at him.

"Georgia, do have a date for junior prom," Layla asked. She was my best friend. Well her and Matt. I shook my head.

"No, but I'm going with me so that counts, and you'll be there, are you going with someone," I asked.

"As a matter of fact I am, I am going with Nathaniel, he actually asked me to go with him," she said. She was in ky grade only because she was so smart she passed a grade. As Did Nathaniel. They were 14 in junior year. But would graduate at 16. Which was great. 

"Abraham likes you."

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