Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke to the sound of mom in the living room. She was talking to someone. I couldn't make out who it was but I knew it was a man. The voice was familiar. I heard giggling and talking so I got curious. It was a Tuesday morning and school would start in 2 hours. I needed to get dressed anyway.

I put on a pair of light skinny jeans and a ruffle tank too with lace it was navy. And I pair of grey converse. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and put light makeup on.

I could still hear the talking and laughing so I silently walked out of my room with my book bag it was now 7 and I had an hour to be at school I also had 30 minutes to eat.

When I got downstairs I seen mom in the living room hugging a man, a similar man. He was turned away from me. Mom didn't see me. When I heard him speak I knew who it was though.

"So, what are you going to tell Rose," he said.

"Mom." And then I seen who it was.

"Uncle Lou."

"Georgia, um, we were just-"

"Secretly having a relationship behind mine and Simons back while dad was open about his engagement, and you're dating his best friend," I interrupted her. She stood still. Louis stepped up.


"No uncle Lou it's fine, I mean it's not like I didn't suspect mom was seeing someone I just didn't think that you were him," I said. I felt a pang of guilt though. I knew she was seeing someone but uncle Lou.

"We're sorry honey really we were going to tell you," Mom spoke. I giggled.

"Its funny actually, I always knew somewhere deep inside of Lou, that he was in love with you," I spoke, "Guess I was right."

I left the house in a hurry. She kept a big secret from me but I wouldn't tell anyone. No one knew what I was going through. Everything I knew about my parents was a lie. Everything. And Uncle Lou was hiding it from me too. He knew everything. Mom was in love with him. He was the one who at one time thought he was in love with her, guess he was right.

When I reached school Abraham was waiting for me. He had on a pair of black skinnies and a white loose top with a leather jacket. Let's not forget I still likes him but he could have anyone.

"Hey, good morning," he said. I relayed a good morning back.

"So are we still going to be on the prom committee and meet this evening," he said. I had forgot about that.

"Yeah anything to stay away from home today," I said. He looked at me in an odd manor.

"Problems at home," I said. He nodded in u understanding. I worried about what people might think of they new my mom was with my dads best friend.

"Well let's get in here and eat breakfast I had some at home but I could go for an orange or an apple," he said. I followed behind him.

When we entered the cafeteria I seen all my friends waiting at our table. All seemed to notice my gloomy face especially Seth and Shuana.

"Hey Georgia are yoy okay," Seth asked. I didn't speak. His dad was with my mom and secretly, no I'm not okay.

I nodded to him and got in line with Abraham. I grabbed a piece of toast and 2 pieces of bacon along with some peaches and a water. I sat down and ate. No words came from my mouth.

First I find out dad cheated on mom. Then mom dated my dad's best friend behind his back today couldn't get worse. And then it could. Just then Shontelle came up to Abraham with me sitting there.

"Abe, would you be a dear and help me with my books," she asked. He got up and as soon as he did.

She kissed him right in front of us. And he let her. He freaking let her Koss him and he kissed back. This was to painful. So I did what I thought I had to do. I got up and....

Walked away.

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