Chapter 8

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The dinner table was very interesting. Mom and Louis was trying to keep the distance between them. Dani and dad was being normal. Tony was watching the table too. Noticing every single person was being really quite.

"So Tony what do you do son," Dad asked. Geez dad we are just friends. Why the sudden need to ask him things?

"I am actually a singer, I and my brother we sing together sometimes," he said. Dad nodded.

"How old are you," he asked. God bless America.

"I'm nineteen about to be twenty soon," he answered. Dad nodded again.

"And how long have you and Georgia known each other," Dad said. Tony started to say something but I finally snapped.

"Geez dad can you not sit here and act like everything's okay and stop asking Tony so many questions I'm fifteen and in two months I'll be sixteen, I'm not a baby, and in case anyone else wants a piece of my mind, please stay out of my business," I said. And the table fell silent. Well, at least I could eat my pasta in peace.

"So Amanda, what was it that you wanted to discuss with us," Dad asked. Yes! Finally mom has to fess up.

"Oh um just that I am going to have a sweet sixteen for my daughter's party, real nice and I needed your help to do it, it's gonna be so nice we Will-"

"Seriously mom, you can't just not say anything, you can't just make up some lousy story and don't use me as an excuse I seriously can't stay in here with y'all," I stood up but couldn't move. Tony had a hold on me. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"WHAT is going on," Dad asked.

"Oh mom and Louis are dating," I blurted. And Simon fell limp. Dang I did it this time.

"What," Liam said with hurt in his eyes.

"Liam we have been together now for two months we just decided to give it a shot, we were both in love with each other and I would have told you but-"

"But what Amanda told me how you went behind our children's back and mine and started dating my best friend," Dad yelled. That's it I'm done playing.

"Oh kinda like when you cheated on mom with Dani and caused us to split up, you know what this family is so screwed up, it seriously surprises me that we haven't fallen off the deep end yet," I said.

Silence. I had gotten my point across. And forgot that Tony was in the room. Darn what if he tells Abraham? I was not going to let that happen. But I couldn't stop him if he did. It was just that I couldn't stand the fact that he would pitty me but I didn't want that.

"I should go, I think this is a family matter," he said. I walked him to the door. He smiled at me in sympathy.

"I won't say a word to my brother or anyone about this, I'm really sorry I wish i could be done more for you honest," he said. I nodded.

He left and I was so upset. But I didn't go back Into the kitchen. Instead I walked outside. And I did something I didn't think I would do.

"Tony," I said. He was in his car. He couldn't hear me. He rode off. But I followed him. I didn't want to be at home.

I jogged all the way to his house of course he beat me by a good three minutes. I didn't  care that Abraham lives there. I was going to see Tony. Don't ask why because I didn't know either. I was so out of my mind, I would have sold my body for drugs if you'd asked me to.

When I got to the front porch, I knocked  on the door and wanted so hard. But before my eyes was a shirtless Tony. Man he had a six pack. He was so fit. He had a concerned look on his face.

"Georgia what's wrong," he asked taking my hand. I followed him Into the kitchen. I didn't see Abraham in the living quarters and I didn't care.

"Tony I tried to tell for you, I knew you couldn't hear me but I followed you all the way here anyway," I said. Abraham stood in the kitchen door neither of us paying attention.

"Is something wrong" he asked getting closer.

"Yes, I wanted you to stay with me, I didn't want to be alone, but the more I thought about it I didn't even want to be home, Tony, I want to stay with you tonight," I said. What was I doing? I didn't have a clue? 

"Of course you can, you're always welcome here, you know that," he said. I shook my head. God what am I getting myself Into?

"No I wanna stay with you, in your room with you," I said. He was taken back.

"Georgia I don't care for you staying with me but your mom and dad will want to know where you are," he said. He was right.

"Please if you wanna call fine but please just let me stay with you," I said. Abraham walked in.

"Okay," Tony said.

"Hi," Abraham said from beside me.

I didn't even notice him. Tony and I kept staring at each other. Like we were in some sort of trance. Abraham must've noticed because he moved his hands to our faces and snapped a go get at us.

"Oh, yes, sorry, I will go get the bed ready," Tony said excusing himself. Great I was alone with Abraham. Who was currently either dating or soon to be dating.

"So, my brother huh," he said. I nodded. I had no idea what he was talking about so I just went along with it.

"Well he is kind and patient, so hopefully he treats you as such," he said. Wait, huh?

"We're not dating," I said. He nodded.

"Well either way I hope he treats you right," he said dismissing himself. Oh well. Cant always convince everyone I guess.

"Bed is ready and I have some bed clothes, and I called you parents they were upset as well so they said as long as you don't get into trouble, that would allow it for tonight," Tony said coming back into the kitchen.

"Tony go to prom with me."

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