Chapter 14

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In the events that happened with my brother, I went after school to check upon him. And so did the others. Which, Abraham had drove Matt and Mark over. And of course Shontelle had to ride along. But Tony had drove me. He grabbed my hand and walked me in as usual. Mom and dad were in the cafeteria, I had gotten a text as soon as we entered the hospital.

Me and Tony made our way down, in front of everyone. Abraham was giving us a sympathetic look. Tony had met Simon, he had met him the night of the dinner. Abraham hadn't yet met him. So he didn't understand. Simon was strong and brave. He didn't need anyone telling him what to do and how to do it, he did it before you had a chance to. Fearless but never stupid.

"Georgia, Tony, glad you all could make it, I know school is rough," LOUIS said. I smiled but didn't say anything. Wonder how Simon was doing?

"So Simon is still asleep but his vitals are perfect, they don't know why he's still asleep to be honest, they think he's trying to stay asleep, like he's trying his best not to wake up, cause he's just fine," mom said. Which made me wonder then what he was staying asleep for. It didn't make sense.

"We think he might be waiting for you, Georgia," dad said. I swallowed not even realizing I didn't have and salvia in my mouth. My eyes widened.

"Me, but why me," I asked. Dad shrugged.

"You're his sister, the one he trusts, he talks to you more than anyone," he said. Well.

"Okay I'll go down there and see what I can do then," I said. They nodded and I left. Simon was going to wake up one way or another.

"Georgia," Tony said following me. I didn't realize he was behind me. I felt like an idiot because I would have left him back there.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to leave you," I said. He shook his head.

"No I wanted to tell you something," he said. I let out a breath of air.

"Can this wait please," I asked. He nodded allowing me to go on. By the time I reached his room everyone else had been waiting by it. I walked in to the same scene as the night before only his bruises were faded and the scars were not as red. He was still sleeping but the machine was off his face.

"Simon, it's me I'm here you have to wake up everyone is worries about you," I stopped. "I'm worried about you."

No movement. He just lay still. I got closer. I grabbed his hand rubbing it. He looked very peaceful but he needed to wake up.

"I was eleven, you were 8 mom and dad had been split up for a year, you were staying over with mom ,and fell down the stairs. You hit your head," I stopped tears streaming my face this was a sad memory, "we thought you were a goner."

"But you held on, and in just a short while you woke up and we were so thankful for that, but I was so scared, like I am now," I said. His grip on my hand tightened.

"Simon you have to wake up, I love you so much you're my kid brother, please just open your eyes," I said. His grip tightened again. He frowned and his eyes moved under his lids. He was waking up.

"Rose," he said. I smiled. His eyes opened slowly.

"Simon, Simon you're awake," I said. He frowned again but tried to move.

"Don't move I'll push the nurse button," I said pushing the big button with a nurse on it. They ran in and seen what I seen.

"He was waiting for you," the black nurse said. I stepped back while they checked his vitals again. They looked good and he looked good. No one had told me if he damaged anything which I told the nurse.

"He just has a broken arm and a couple bruised ribs. But he should be fine honestly if he continues like this he'll be home saturday," She said. 2 days!! Yes! He looked at me and grinned. Simon was always just Simon.

"I love you sis," he said. I told him I loved him to.

I walked out and gave mom and dad the news. They took it rather well. They both smiled at each other. Abraham was sitting in one of the hospital chairs. He was sitting with Shontelle, who kept eyeing me. I  knew what she was trying to do. Watching me making sure I wasn't going near Abraham. Tony grabbed my arm.

"I have to tell you something," Tony said. I nodded and faced him.

"Now I know this is not what you want but I have to tell you because if I don't all this would be for nothing and I don't want that on my mind," he said. I turned my head in confusion.

"Georgia," he paused closing his eyes and then opening them. "I love you."

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