Chapter 19

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Mom agreed not to move until my sixteenth birthday was over. But that was only a month. So I agreed to move only because it was a really nice house with a fancy pool. Even if it was just two houses down from Abraham and Tony's. With this information I had a week to decide. And tonight was prom night.

I dressed in my dress and converse. Tony had texted three times already. Dani was doing my hair and makeup cause mom didn't want to see me until I was dressed and ready to go. She curled it, and put two braids one on each side, in it and pinned it to the back. She put brown eyeshadow and black liner. And contoured my face. I had been given red earrings, stud of course. I looked not like myself.

I was ready to walk downstairs. This was so excrutiating. Dad was down  there. I heard the doorbell ring. Tony. I got downstairs and seen dad standing by the door getting ready to open it. So I waited. But when he opened it I was amazed. Tony looked so good. He was smiling from ear to ear. I walked on down. They all were at a loss for words.

"Is it bad," I asked. Mom started acting like a crazy mom.

"Oh my goodness it's just so perfect. I love the dress and the shoes and the hair, you're beautiful," she said grabbing her camera. She was into photography as well. Snap. Snap. And then a few with Tony. After that, dad hugged me. Simon also hugged me. Dani said she was glad to have dressed me up.

Tony and I headed out. He kept glancing at me from time to time. I noticed his smile.

"What," I asked giggling. He shook his head.

"Abraham is going to be so amazed," he said. My heart and smile sunk.

"I told him not to speak to me again," I said.

"He loves you, I know he does, just give it some time," he said. I nodded. I was torn.

We pulled up at the school gym doors and parke d right outside. Abrahams car was here. And this is where I needed to duck and hide. But I got out and let Tony lead me into the gym. It was so beautiful. I was surprised at how beautiful it Turned out to be.

Diego seen me and came up to me in a rush. Tony noticed and let me go. He I introduced himself and then Diego pulled me to the dance floor. Despecito played again.

We started moving the same as before. And this time I was doing it for show because Abraham was watching. Diego must not have cared that I was a student because he was dancing with me like a lover would do, but in this country things were mkore, loose.

Abraham continued to watch us. We were the only people on the dance floor everyone was just gathered around us. And then as if a gift of fate or something Tony joined taking my hand and was dancing with me the same as Diego was.

And then for some reason I was back in the arms of, Diego. And it was continuous. Over and over. But I was having fun. It was crazy. But once it ended I was in Diego's arms again. And there were cheers and claps from everywhere in the gym.

"Georgia, that was amazing. So great," Matt said. I smiled and pointed to Diego. He bowed.

"Ladies and gentlemen our new co-choreographer Georgia Payne," he said. Wow I was assistant. That was great.

"Excuse me, everyone," I heard from the stage. I seen Abraham on stage. He had a couple of strangers with him and then music started playing. He started speaking in Spanish "Loco enamorado" was the name. He must be some of the entertainment.

And when his parts would come up, he'd look at me then away. I didn't know what he was saying and he knew that. Tony came up to me and put a hand on my arm. He grinned. Abraham started rolling his body, and moving his hips. He could dance! This was to hard.

I walked out into the hall not letting Tony follow. The song sounded as though it was over. I just wanted to leave. I just wanted to be away from here. So I left the school, and started walking home. But I figured out that it was a bad idea. It was chilly outside.

A maroon car followed me and when I turned to see who it was, I knew I shouldn't have. Tony was following me. And I just wanted to be alone.

"Get in I'll take you home," he said. I hesitated but then got in front seat with him. He didn't try and ask me why I left because he knew why.

When we got to my house he didn't say anything except "Sweet dreams."
I was so sick of all the hurt I was put through I let myself brake down. Now it was time to build myself up. I was so willing to change everything about me. My attitude, appearance, and outlook on everything. I was ready to start over. Create a new look, new attitude, everything. I was going to be strong and carefree.

No more Miss nice girl. I'm going all out for this one.

Time for a change in everything. My entire life I was trying to be this example for everyone when, I didn't need to. It's not like they followed me anyway. So I would be more like the Georgia I wanted to be, Monday morning, I would no longer be just Georgia Roselynn Payne the nice and smart girl, I would be Georgia, the rebel. And I would burn bright as the Ember skies at sunset.

They would know me.

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