Chapter 41

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"Erins laughing!!!" Matt clapped his hands, Shawn joining him.

I rolled my eyes.

We sat watching tv, then i shook my head and sat up.

"Shawn why aren't you in school today?" i totally forgot it was only thursday.

Oh my god, four whole days with out school, make up work was going to be a bitch.

"I didn't feel like it." he shrugged his shoulders. I didn't question that, Shawn's known to not show up at school if he didn't feel like it.

"Hey, can we go like, do something?" Shawn asked sitting up. Matt nodded his head.

"Will you get dressed?" i asked.

Shawn rolled his eyes, and let out an annoyed sigh.

"Fiinnnneeee." he jumped up and ran up the stairs.

5 minutes later Shawn came jumping down the stairs in a pair of black sweatpants and a red hoodie.

"Lets go!" he said walking to the door.

We followed him out the door and into his shitty ass little Honda, that was probably 46 years old, but it ran and thats all Shawn cared about. So many memories in this small little silver car.

I jumped into the back seat and Matt climbed upfront with Shawn.

I rested my head on the side of the window as we drove through town, and slowly fell asleep with the soft noise of Matt and Shawn quietly talking, and the radio on low.


"Erin wake up." Matt shook my arm.

"Where are we?" i sat up, looking around. It was a large parking deck with few cars.

"You'll have fun come on." He smiled. I hated that i trusted him so much. A normal person would have asked further into it, or even not gotten out of the car, but me, i just climbed right out and took Matts hand, following him and Shawn into the elevator.

"We stopped by your house, heres your phone." Matt reached out of his pocket and pulled out my phone. I looked up and smiled at him, as if saying thank you.

I turned on my phone. It instantly blew up from last night.

Then i noticed the time.

"7:30?! Where the hell are we?!" I was asleep for over 7 hours... One can only imagine where we ended up in 7 hours.

Matt and Shawn both looked at each other and grinned largely.

"Jacksonville Florida." they said in unison.

My jaw nearly dropped.

"Yeah, when we stopped by the house to grab some of your things we ran into Kyle, you know Kyle Wilson? One of Will's friends? Well anyway, he told us about this huge party and we thought why not! We party for the night, get you back in NC in time for prom and its all good." Shawn laid back like this was all no big deal.

My brain started tying things together. Kyle would have been in town still from the funeral, Jacksonville is only like and hour away from Gainesville which is where Will went to school, so all the people here may know him.

I trust these boys way too much with my life...

The elevator clicked and the doors opened. It hit me that we were at an apartment complex, and we were just supposed to strut into this party like we run the place.

The music got louder and louder as we walked down the hallway.

Matt took my hand again as Shawn opened the door.

Let it go (Matt Espinosa Fan fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant