Chapter 20

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"i dont know how i cant put this into words with you believing me." Cameron said with his head in his hands. We were sitting at a small table in the corner of the small seafood restaurant, Matt basically had my sheltered under his watch as Cameron sat feet away from us. Matt and I had just ordered our food when Cameron finally decided to speak up.

"Before you start i have one question." Matt interrupted. Cameron nodded his head gesturing for Matt to continue. "What are you doing in California? and just so happens that your in the same city as us at the same time."

"I come here every year to see my Aunt, and with all this shit I came early." it was true, once a year Cameron flew out to California to see his Aunt.

"Okay, first off, Erin i am so sorry for how i have treated you all these years, i have always seen you as a younger sister to me and i was a total douche because acting how i had always seen brothers act in tv shows and movies, but i was so wrong, so so very wrong. Nash was, and still is, my bestfriend and i cant believe i got away with treating you like that." bullshit.

"And the last month, i can explain. After Matt beat me up in the hallway i was furious." he paused and looked Matt dead in the eyes. " i deserved it 100%. anyway, i was so furious, not only at Matt, but at my self, that i walked home and got drunk out of my mind, like i've been drunk plenty of time, but never that drunk. I went out for a walk and ran into a group of sketchy ass people, who sold me a shit load of weed. I'm not even sure where i got the money for it, but i got high as hell. Then i saw school being let out, i had an urge to see you. So i went to your house. You took forever to show up, and yet Nash didnt even hear me. then when i saw you i panicked. i only wanted to talk. but the adrenaline of the drugs and alcohol was flowing through me and over took me. Then things got bad so bad. I've had night mars of the way you screamed, the pain in your eyes-"

"Enough!" Matt yelled, slamming his hands down on the table. "sorry." he softly said. I let go of his hand, and placed my hand on this thigh hoping to calm him down.

"I knew what i had done was wrong." he continued. "Nash left me unconscious and i dissevered it. Once i woke up in the hospital, I called Nash a thousand times to apologize once i realized what i had done. But he never answered. They had me on deep pain killers for my concision, it was like i was back to being drunk and high. When i saw you in the hallway again, the demon inside me began to take over, and then i was pummeled again. And then you were gone. I was scared of my self, the rest of that week, so much so that i flew out to California to hide from my mistake. But yet here you guys are, its fate, it has to be." he laughed a slow laugh. "its fate, dont you see it!!"

"Cameron." i softly said, pleading for him to calm down.

"Its fate Erin!" he said again, raising his voice again.

"Cameron. Your 5 minutes are up." Matt said dismissing him from the table and taking my hand in his again.

"Think about if for me, think about it." He said again and again as he walked out the small restaurant. I looked at Matt and back down at my now cold food.

"Please dont cry Erin." He said pulling me into his arms.

"Im not cry-" i stopped my self when i felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Im sorry all this happened Matt, this was supposed to be a fun night out."

"No, no, dont be sorry, you didnt do anything, and hey, its still early. We can do anything you want after this." he smiled at me as we pulled out of our hug.

"Anything?" I challenged.

"Anything." he smirked.


Sorry its so short.

BUTTT (ha butt) Im going to try something new here. Im going to leave the story up to you guys.

(((WARNING: i wont update if no one answers >:] )))

Shoulllddd They forgive Cameron and see what the future has to hold? or ignore what he said and leave him in the dussttt??

Let it go (Matt Espinosa Fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ