Chapter 7

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"Yes! please come over tomorrow after school! Erin will be at Matts and Hayes has basketball so we'll have the house to our selves." i cooed into the phone to Christin.

"Okay i will, definitely!" She excitedly spoke.

"Good because i have a surprise for you." i grinned even though she couldn't see.

"Hey, i gotta go Nash, Erin's calling me, talk to you later?"

"For sure!" i smiled as i hung up the phone. "I love you Christin." I added, But line was dead and she didnt hear me

I walked over to my desk and began to start working on my homework. I got distracted when i found a pile of old pictures of Erin, Christin, Matt, and I from our childhood and smiled to my self. Christin and Erin was so cute. I went through the pictures for about 20 minutes before i began to doze off.


"Erin?" i sprang up from where i was asleep at my desk. i shrugged my shoulders. She must have headphones in so i sat my head back down and went back to sleep.


"Woow! thats awesome!" i congratulated Christin on her A on her french test as i walked into my front door.

I gasped and let my phone fall to the floor at what i saw when i walked into the house.

"Hello Erin." his voice was laced with pure evil.

"What are you doing here Cameron?" I tried to sound as confident as i could but my voice let me down and cracked.

"Well....i was thinking.. Matt got what he wanted. Thats you of course, and by getting you he thinks he owns you and can turn on his best.friend. But i dont think so. And im here to get 2 things, what i want, and payback." an evil grin rose on his face.

I stood there in total and utter shock. i slowly backed up into, what i had hoped was the door, but ended up being the wall.

"Theres no escaping babe." I cringed at his use of the word babe.

"Please" i whimpered as he stood in front of me with barley an inch in between us.

"No screaming baby." He grinned again and dipped his head down and attached his lips to my neck.

"Stop" i tried to say confident, but my voice failed me once again and came out almost more as a moan as he sucked on my neck.

"Yeah Matts going to love that." He said examining the large hickey he left on my neck.

"What the hell!" i raised my voice as i ran my fingers over my neck and feeling the tender skin.

"Oh were just starting." he grabbed my wrist and roughly pulled me over to the couch in the middle of the living room. His grip so tight on my wrist i could feel the marks that were going to be left.

"Cam please!" I cried out for him to stop what he was doing as his hands reached up my shirt. I tried to squirm out of his grip, but he was too tough.

"Relax babe, this is a feeling Matt with never be able to give you."

"NA-" i began to yell for Nash, but was cut off when Cameron placed his large hand over my mouth, muffling my screams for help.


I woke up when i heard a lot of movement coming from down stairs, maybe Erin brought Christin home with her. I began to get really excited. i know it sounds crazy but i just really wanted to see her. I walked over the the long mirror on the back of the door making sure i didnt look too bad to see her. I slowly strutted down the hallway and looked over the banister too see if Erin and Christin were still down there.

But what i did find was less pleasing and i could feel my face go pale.

"Cam please!" she cried, tears streaming down her face as Cameron stuck his hands up her shirt.

"Relax babe, this is a feeling Matt with never be able to give you." What was he doing? honestly i didn't want to know. On the inside i was dying to run down and help her, she looked so helpless and innocent laying on the couch while Cameron groped her, but yet my body wouldn't move. It was like watching a live horror movie.

"NA-" she began to call for me before Cameron shoved his hand over her mouth leaving her screams muffled. She looked lifeless under his grip and scared for her life.

My legs carried me down the stairs faster than ever when i saw him begin to undress her, i jumped over the arm-rail, but failing and stumbling as my feet hit the floor causing them both to look at me.

Erins eyes lit up as i ran twoards her but then went to looking dead again as she looked back up at Cameron.

"Oh good! You came just in time for the fun!" He gave a sly smile and reached into his back pocket.

I looked in horror as he pulled out a large sized pocket knife.

Erin looked like she was going to pass out at the sight of the blade in his hands. My body wouldn't move. it was like i was paralyzed.

"You see Erin, you and your little boy friend fucked with the wrong person." he slowly brought the knife down the her legs and cut her pants of her.

"AAAHHHHHHHH" she let out a blood curling scream as the knife entered her right thigh.

I rammed into Cameron with such force i nocked us both over onto a glass coffee table and shattering it into a million tiny pieces.

"AAAAAHHHHH" she screamed out again and i just wanted to cry for her pain as the knife sat in her skin. Just by looking at it, it was about an inch or two deep into her.

My fists pounded into his already beaten face over and over again, i was unstoppable.

I could hear the front door slam shut and someone run into the room but didn't stop for a second to see who it was.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS- OH MY GOD ERIN!" Wills voice nearly boomed through out the house. I saw out of the corner of my eye as he pulled the knife out of her. She let out a long painful scream again. Stopping my pounding fists for only a second, I watched as he threw a blanket over her and ran into the bathroom.

"Actually," i stood up and examined my victim. "i think you just fucked with the wrong family." i said as i kicked his passed out body in the ribs.

"NASH CALL 911 NOW!!!!" Will called from the bathroom. "oh my god why is there so much blood!!!" he panicked as i dialed 911 on my iPhone.

"911 whats your emergency?"


Let it go (Matt Espinosa Fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz