Let it go (Matt Espinosa Fan fiction)

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"Erin get up!" My brother Nash yelled at me from the door of my room.

"No" i mumbled back, shoving my face into my pillow.

"Now." he said slightly raising his voice and walking away.

"Shit." i pulled my self out of bed and got dressed.

"Hey airry." My other brother Hayes said as i sat down at the kitchen table.

"Hey haysie." I said back as i poured my self a bowl of Frosted Flakes.

"Oh thank god your awake, hurry up with breakfast, we have to leave for school soon." Nash said as he joined us in the kitchen with our little sister Skylynn in his arms.

"Crap" Hayes and i said in unison as we got up stairs to get ready.


"Hey Erin!" My friend Christin greeted me as i sat down next to her on the bus.

I watched as Hayes went and sat in the back with his and some of Nash's friends.

The bus smelled like sweat and farts like always. Christin and I just made small talk on the short ride to school.

Me and Christin walked into school and went straight to our lockers trying to avoid as many people as possible.

Christin was my best friend, we were even lucky enough to have almost all our classes together.

"So Hayes turned 13 the other day? fancy." Christin said as we walked to our first class.

"Yeah its crazy isnt it, hes getting so old"

"Erin hes only a year younger than you."

"Shut up" we laughed as we walked into 1st period.

"Bye christin!" i said as she walked into French 1 and i went to Spanish 3 on the other side of the school.

"Look its Erin!" i heard one of Nashs friends call from their lockers.

"Hey Eriiiiiin!" Cameron said as he stood infront of me.

"Can you please move." i asked kindly. They do this everyday, nothing new really.

"Awe you think just because your a Sophomore you can talk to me like that?" Cameron was never nice to me unless Nash was around, and now wasnt one of those times.

"Cam leave her alone." i turned my head to look at the dirty blonde haired boy who had spoke up.

"Matt could you please just shut up." Cameron said to him before giving me an evil smirk.

"Please" i whispered/begged knowing what was next.

"Okay, i'll move." he said too confident like.

And as he moved he swiftly slapped my spanish note book out of hands and it fell to the floor. I managed to hold the rest of my books closer too me so they didnt fall.

"Come on Cameron." The Matt boy said as he knelt down to pick up my book for me.

"Im sorry Erin, hes just in a bad mood." Matt apologized for his friend

"No its fine. Thank you for helping me though" i said "he does it everyday" i whispered under my breath hoping he wouldnt hear me."

"I'll make him stop dont worry." he said as he waved bye and walked to his class.


All 1st period all i could think of was who this Matt boy was. I had seen him hanging out with Nash before, multiple times actually, i think he's even been to our house once or twice, but i guess i hadn't gotten his name before.

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