2.6 - phone numbers

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2:45 PM

"But, Luke, I just don't understand." Skylar whined, pacing back and forth in front of him.

They were still at the park and Luke was still laying on the ground, his sweatshirt now off of his body and rolled into a ball under his head, leaving him in just his t-shirt. Surprisingly it hadn't started to rain yet, even though the clouds were getting darker by the second, so Luke and Skylar hadn't decided to leave the park just yet.

After a lot of begging, Skylar finally convinced Luke to take out his phone and play one of his bands songs for her, since she had never heard them before. Skylar was practically shaking with excitement, why she thought was kind of weird, because it was only a song and Luke was only a boy, she didn't need to feel this way about things like this. But she felt it anyway, and now she was almost regretting listening to the song, because she was beyond confused.

"Skylar, calm down, come sit." Luke said, patting the the ground next to him.

"I just don't get it!" Skylar groaned, "What even is American Apparel underwear?"

"It's a brand? I don't know, I don't wear it. Come sit." Luke repeated, holding out his hand for Skylar to take. She stopped pacing and stood next to him, grabbing his hand in hers and intertwining their fingers. Luke swung their hands back and forth, laughing as Skylar glared down at him.

"This song makes no sense." She huffed, pouting just a little. Her hair was in her face again and she desperately wanted to go grab another hair tie, but Luke wasn't letting her.

"Sure it does." Luke shrugged.

"Oh really? Enlighten me." Skylar rolled her eyes, suddenly taking a seat next to Luke. It obviously startled him, because he flinched.

"Like... A guy and a girl bang, and the next morning she's wearing his underwear for whatever reason and the guy sees her and he's kinda like 'hey, she looks really perfect, I wanna spend the rest of my life with her'. Hence the whole 'I'm so down' part. Like, he's so down to be with her forever." Luke explained, and Skylar nodded slowly, beginning to see the point of the song.

"But why would she wear his underwear?" Skylar asked blankly, tilting her head to the side in question.

"Beats me." Luke shrugged again, and so did Skylar. She figured that that was probably the best explanation of that song she was ever going to get, coming from the man that sings it himself.

"Who's signing this part?" Skylar asked, leaning in closer to Luke to hear the music. There was a plane flying over them, and it was difficult to hear for the next few seconds.

"Still me." Luke laughed - he'd answered this question twice already -and Skylar nodded. She really liked Luke's voice, but she wanted to hear it in real life, in person.

"Can you sing for me?" She asked, giving Luke a big smile.

"Not now." Luke shook his head. He grabbed his phone again and began scrolling through it, in search of a new song.

"When?" Skylar pouted again, and Luke finally looked up from his phone. His face softened, seeing Skylar pout, and his lips curled up at the sides into a small smile.

"I'll sing for you later tonight, okay? I promise." Luke assured her, turning his attention back to his phone again. The song changed, and Skylar almost recognized it for a second, but then she realized she was thinking of a different song.

"This is one of our older ones, Heartbreak Girl." Luke said, setting his phone down on his stomach. Skylar wondering if the phone was taking the place of Luke's future fat cat that he wanted so badly. Phones gave off heat sometimes, right?

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