5.6 - hospitals

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00:02 AM

Skylar made it to the hospital just in time for a nurse to tell her that her mother was currently undergoing an emergency surgery and couldn't have any visitors at the moment.

She wasn't even thinking about Luke, or how upset she was that things between them hadn't worked out. She actually felt as though she had completely forgotten about him. He was just a stupid boy, she should have never trusted him and now what was done was done, and Skylar would never have to see Luke again.

She was hurting inside, yes, but she'd get over it. Right now there were more important things on her mind, like her mother, and that was all she cared about. She really didn't need Luke in her life any more than he needed her, and Skylar was okay with that. All that was important to her at the moment was getting through to see her mother for possibly the last time, not Luke.

He was just a boy, after all, there would be others.

"But you don't understand, I'm her daughter." Skylar said, trying to push passed the nurse that was standing in front of the door to get into the wing of the hospital where her mother was staying.

"I'm sorry, you just can't see her right now." The nurse said softly. "She's having a surgery, no one is allowed in the room except for her doctors."

"But I have to get in!" Skylar yelled, stomping her foot on the ground. She had been through too much in the past few days just to finally get to the hospital and be told that she can't see her mom.

"You can't right now, you'll have to wait." The nurse repeated.

"I just don't get it." Skylar frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Your mother is not responding to the treatment her doctors gave her, and they need to give her this surgery so they can test the - "

"I don't care!" Skylar yelled, "I want to see her, just let me through!"

"I'm so sorry, I can't. You'll just have to wait." The nurse said, than repeated, "I'm sorry."

"But it's midnight! Who the hell has a surgery at midnight?" Skylar groaned, finally taking a step back from the nurse. She'd stopped trying to get passed her - for now.

"This is what they need to do. You
mother's cancer is spreading rapidly, they need to have this surgery in order to stop it. You'll be able to see her as soon as it's over." The nurse - Skylar hadn't gotten her name yet - explained.

Then Skylar burst into tears. She'd tried to hold it all in until she could go talk to her mom, but it was just too much now. She was upset about Luke and how he'd pushed her away like that and also upset that she'd been so stupid to fall for someone so quickly and now she was even more upset because she wasn't even allowed to see her mother.

She'd wanted to tell her mother the whole story, everything that had happened to Skylar in the past two days, and now she couldn't. And she had no idea if she'd ever be able to.

"Oh, sweetie, it'll be okay." The nurse said soothingly, pulling Skylar in for a hug. Skylar didn't even care anymore, she wrapped her arms around the nurses waist and cried into her shoulder, because Skylar was just too overwhelmed with everything to even try and compose herself at the moment.

"God, I just hate everything." Skylar sobbed, trying to wipe her eyes. She looked up at the nurse, who despite all of Skylar's yelling and arguing, had been very nice to her.

"I know, honey, this whole situation isn't very fair - for anyone." The nurse rubbed her back, trying to calm Skylar down again. It worked a little, but Skylar was still upset.

"Can I tell you something?" Skylar asked, almost in a whisper. She just needed to get a lot of things off her chest, and she felt that this nurse would be a good person to spill this all out to.

"Of course, darling, anything." She nodded, leading Skylar over to a couple of chairs in the hospital waiting room.

"Okay," Skylar said, sitting down next to the nurse. "So I've had a really, rough 24 hours."

And then Skylar told her everything, about her night, everything she knew about the stupid rockstar with dumb blonde hair and blue eyes and his ridiculous lip ring and too-tight pants and his stupid, stupid, sweatshirt. Skylar told the nurse how it'd only taken her 24 hours to fall in love.


this update really bothered me idk I felt like it was way too short but I'm quadruple updating today so it's okay

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