Jungkook's confession~

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First of all I sincerely apologise for how long it has taken for this chapter to be up. Lmao it's hard to think back when I updated every day, what a free person I was 😂. Regardless, enjoy~


Jungkook's POV~

I stood in front of my closet while contemplating whether to wear a suit or not. I scanned over the racks of clothing, casual or classy? Come on Kook! I jolted and swung my head towards the door as it clicked open.

No one else is home... what? Tae just left and the others have been out all day...
"H-hyung? Tae did you forget something?"

Someone cleared their throat and snickered.


"I'm going to enter now."

Their voice was deep and rough, unfamiliar.

"Uh-uhm n-no who are you!"
Jungkook backed into the closet slightly. He was trying to be brave but the stutter when he spoke and his body language was saying otherwise.
The door creaked as it opened.

"Ah yes. What a nice room. You idols really do have it good."

Jungkook remained silent, shivering slightly.

"Well then, let's get down to business. I'm going to give you time to come out and face me like a man, or we can play hide and seek like children. What do you say?"

Jungkook still stood silently. This is private property. The door was locked. My bedroom door was locked. How did they get passed the front desk? Why didn't anyone stop them-

"Fine then. Coming ready or not."
The person chimed, a smile evident in their rough voice.

Jungkook was riddling with fear. He started to properly shake making the coat hangers rattle.

"Ahh, I see! The closet. Classic!"
The man ripped open the closet doors to see Jungkook tucked in the corner.

No. No way. Sancheol. How did he get back?

Sancheol grabbed Jungkook by the collar and violently pulled him out of the closet.

"Speak up pretty boy."
Sancheol spat.
"I know you know where my precious Choi-Lin is so how about you tell me."

Jungkook was terrified. How on Earth had Sancheol got back and why was he still after Choi-Lin?

"W-why do you still want her? Can't you see she hates you!"

"Don't be stupid pretty boy, she revealed too much with that music video-"


Sancheol cut Jungkook off with a harsh punch in his abdomen causing Jungkook to gasp for air.

"Easy there boy. Now I remember exactly who you are. You were that little cunt who ruined my little conversation with (Y/n)."

Sancheol decided to use (Y/n) to his advantage. It's no secret that Jungkook gets personally upset when people talk about his loved ones.

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