Kiss it better~

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Your POV~

"Aww I'm gonna miss you (Y/n)!"
Choi-Leah squeezed me tightly.

"Unnie I just got in! I'm not leaving until 11:00!"

"I know but it's just so fun having you in the house! It isn't home without you.." she loosened her grip on me and I sighed, hugging her back.

"I will miss you too but don't let me not being here ruin your time! Send me loads of pictures with Red Velvet ok? Gah! I wish I could meet them too!"

"Don't worry (Y/n), we will have a great time." Choi-Lin patted my back and eventually Taeho joined us and so did Minnie. We giggled into a group hug and then Taeho dragged me to my room to pack.

"Let's go over what you have!"


"Yes! You need to be prepared (Y/n)!" Taeho grinned and then sat next to me.
"Ok, swimsuit?"




"Good, loads of clothes?"

"Almost too many.."

"Perfect! Shoes?"

"Definitely." I looked down at my nearly bursting suitcase and then back at her.

"Wash bag? Skincare? Makeup?"

"Check check check.."


"It's in the wash bag.."

"Great! Shampoo and conditioner?"

"Wash bag."

"I think you have everything!"

"Finally!" I zipped up my suitcase and nearly dropped it. This thing weighs about the same as a elephant pregnant with triplets?!"

"Oh i am so excited for you! Make sure to take loads of pictures and send them to us! Also if any of the boys finally make a move keep me posted."

"Ok ok." I wheeled my suitcase up to the door and hugged everyone goodbye.

"Safe travels (Y/n)! Make sure not to get burned!"

"We will miss you!!"

"Try to get pictures of Jungkook for me..."

"PIXIE!!" Minnie hit Choi-Leah over the head and huffed.

"Ok. Uhm not sure about the pictures but i will see what i can do.." I laughed one more time before I left. What would i do without these girls. They mean so much to me. My bandmates, roommates, best friends, councillors! I love them all so much! I'm really gonna miss them..

<BigHit car park>

Your POV~

"Ok guys and girl!"
Bang PD-nim clapped his hands and Osa smiled.
"Have a good time and enjoy yourselves! Boys, take lots of pictures for the blog and twitter and get some good selcas with (Y/n) for the shippers! Everything has been taken care of so all of your passports are already at the airport and being checked so you don't have to reveal your faces, same for you (Y/n). Once you are at your hotel you have the next day to settle in as you will arrive there late. Make sure to keep your personal cameras with you at all times to film whatever. (Y/n), I know you haven't worked with big cameras apart from your music videos and short films so don't get shy in front of them. Boys remember (Y/n) is Hani when any of the cameras are on, her real name is prohibited. If anything happens there is-"

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