A little game~

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Your POV~

I followed closely behind Taehyung with Jimin at my back. When we entered the front room we were met with Kookie, Hobi and Minnie's concerned stares. The room was silent until Hobi perked up.

"Why is she blushing like that?"

Everyone turned to see my bright red face.

"(Y/n)...?" Minnie smirked and approached me.
"I told you about being in a house with seven boys didn't I? A closet is a dangerous place young one!"

"MINNIE!" Everyone in the room shouted at her. All our faces were red now. She just laughed and pulled me onto the couch.

"What happened then?" She played with my hair and i looked around at Hobi and Kookie's intent faces. I shifted my eyes over to Tae and Jimin and they were both signalling for me not to say anything.

"U-uhm.." I played with my fingers desperately trying to think of something.

"Namjoon was just being a perv again." Suga sat down next to me and patted my knee.
"He said stuff this innocent childs ears should have never heard." He chuckled and left his hand on my knee. Kookie huffed and face palmed.

"Tch. He is so-"

"Can we play more games now?" V shuffled next to Suga.

"I think we're done with games." Suddenly Jin entered the room and slumped into a seat near the TV. He had a glum look on his face and i bit my lip. Poor thing. I bet he is put through so much being the oldest. Even though he isn't the leader he holds the whole group on his shoulders.

Jin's POV~

I'm done with games. I just want to love her. These boys don't love her like i do. All they have is school boy crushes. I bet they think she is just a game. I know she is so much more, they would never understand what i feel. I wish they would back off.

Taehyung's POV~

I love seeing her adorable blush. When she is flustered i can hardly resist. I have a game in mind, perfect to satisfy what I want to see. This way i can prove myself to her. Yes! And I know it won't just be me to enjoy this!

"How about we play a game, a simple one, easy rules but very fun!"




"(Y/n), will you play?" I smiled her way and she looked confused for a bit but her face eventually softened.



"Okay then! The game is called embarass (y/n)!"



"Whoever gets the best reaction wins! And there is a prize! If you win you will be her next dance buddy!!"

"WHAT?! T-TAE-" (Y/n) jumped up and looked around at the rest of the boys and of course Min-Yu.

"Sounds fun."

"MINNIE?! You won't back me up?!"

"Hey! Don't blame me the game was his idea. And besides it's hilarious when you are flustered!"

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