Yoongi's confession~

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Your POV~

"(Y/n), you of all people know it's hard for me to be romantic, but you just bring something else out of me-"

Hahah not so fast! REWIND!

Everything started off normal. The usual bickering of Minnie and Lin, Taeho just chatting, Leah STILL being a perv.  We ate breakfast, I let Taeho have ham, not cooked, never again. Lin had a croissant, she said she's dieting (not like we already do or anything)
but none of us are really convinced. Tae caught one of Lin's friends smuggling candy into our dorm and Lin ate the whole lot, but thats none of my business. *Insert extreme tea sipping*.
So now I'm just chilling. It's a bank holiday so BigHit is letting us off along with Bangtan.

*ya ringtone is being litty*


"Hey (Y/n)."

"Oh hey Yoongs!"

"Since it's our day off all the boys went to go see IT, I've already seen it through so I'm just chilling in the park, care to join?"

"Oh yeah sure!"

"Cool. See you soon."


That's sweet of him.

I shoved on an oversized sweater and a pair of black leggings and my favourite shoes.

"Bye girlies!"

"Where are you going?"

"To the park with Yoongi."

"Ooh la la. Enjoy!"

Taeho and Minnie waved me off.

Suga's POV~

I hope she likes red roses. Jeez, when did I get so mushy ew. She said she likes when I wear big sweaters so I put one on specially for her. It's a good job it's chilly today. Ooh! She's here!


"Hello beautiful. Here."
I held the roses out towards her.

"Are they for me?! So pretty! Thank you handsome!"
She took them beaming.

"Let's go for a walk."
(Y/n) slipped her small hand into mine. I stiffened a bit but eventually relaxed again. Our hands fit so perfectly together, like her hands were made just to hold mine.

"It's chilly today, huh?"

"Are you cold?!"

"No no, I'm fine."
She waved me off smiling.

"Oh look, the coffee stall is up. Want to get something?"

"Oh sure."

We walked over to the pop up coffee shop and looked over the menu.

"I'll have a black coffee please. What do you want sweetie? My treat."

"Are you sure?"
She looked up at me and squeezed my hand.

"Of course."

"Okay then, please can I have a hot chocolate please."

"Sure, would you like cream on that?"
The waitress started making my coffee.

(Y/n) looked up at me. I smiled and nodded and she grinned back up at me.

"Yes please!"
The waitress smiled. Eventually she handed over our drinks and I payed.

"Thanks for coming. Your such a cute couple by the way!"
The waitress bowed and smiled.


"Thank you. Have a good day!"

(Y/n) blushed.

"Let's find a bench."

We walked around a bit more and then settled down on the bench in front of the duck pond.

"Oh my gosh! Yoongi look, they're all fluffy!"

She's so cute.

"Is you hot chocolate good?"

"Yeah it is, thanks Yoongi."
She put the flowers down next to her and rested her head on my shoulder. We snuggled up together in comfortable silence watching the ducks for a little while.

"Hey (Y/n)?"

She turned so we were looking into each other's eyes.

"(Y/n), you of all people know it's hard for me to be romantic, but you just bring something else out of me. It's strange, you make me feel all warm and fluffy, it's confusing but I don't want it to stop."


"(Y/n), I know some of the other boys have confessed to you and maybe the one you like most already has but I just want you to know how much you mean to me. (Y/n) I love you and always will, at the end of all of this I don't mind if you don't pick me, I just want to be close to you. I just want to be important to you."

"Yoongi I love you too but I have a lot of thinking to do. Promise me that if I don't end up picking you you won't let your feelings for me stop you from doing anything. You mean so much to me."

"Thank you (Y/n)."

She smiled warmly up at me and squeezed my hand.
"Let's go home, it's cold."

I nodded. My cheeks still hurt from smiling so wide for so long.





Also PSY Gentlemen was the background music for a family guy advert so that's fun.


My bias list has shifted. Jungkook is taking over my life and I can't tell if sweag papi is still my ultimate bias. WHYYYYY KOOKIE YOUR A BABY


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Que Christine

I'm intrested in what ya think so have a crack if you want.



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