Homeward bound~

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English speaku in bold

Jimin's POV~

I looked over at (Y/n) and smiled. I could see her slowly drifting off to sleep until the van bumped again and she would look up confused. Everything was dark, the only light was the faint orange on the wet roads from the street lamps and the white light flooding the near distance in front of us from the headlights. Hobi hyung giggled as
(Y/n) hit his arm.

"Shut up!"
She slurred half asleep.

Yoongi smiled at this and shifted in his seat to look out the windscreen of the van. Jin, who sat next to the driver, asked him how long they had left until we reached the airport. He checked the digital clock. It read 11:47pm. The driver looked back at Jin.

"About fifteen minutes tops."

Yoongi and Jin nodded.

Tae, Jungkook and Namjoon sat in the back together. Tae was trying to get Namjoon to play a game with him while Jungkook played on his phone, every so often lifting it up and taking weird selfies. Eventually Taehyung gave in and Namjoon drifted off to sleep along with Yoongi and soon after joined by Hoseok. The van was silent.

Your POV~

I yawned and opened my eyes.

"Wakey wakey~"

Hoseok squeezed my hand and the driver opened the door.

"We're at the airport."

I slid out of the van and bounced around a bit, letting the blood flow back into my legs and feet.

"Aw, (Y/n)-ssi! You look so tired!"
Taehyung hopped over to me and smiled.

"I am."

"Makes two of us."
Yoongi joined us with Jimin hobbling behind him.

Namjoon called out.

"Alright kids."
The driver clasped his hands together.

"I'm not flying out 'till tomorrow because I have to pack stuff up over here. You've all been in an airport before, Namjoon and (Y/n) can read and understand the English so no sweat there. Just listen out for your flight and stick together. You have about half an hour until your flight is called so you can go get coffee or whatever, if you want food on the plane go ahead everything has been paid for. You're flying first class. Make sure to get some sleep because when you land back in Korea it's gonna be around two o'clock in the afternoon and you will probably be going straight back to work. Stay safe, Jin don't lose the tickets."

"Of course."

The driver nodded and smiled at us before sliding back into the van. We silently watched him drive off and then turned to each other.

"Alrighty then crew!"
Jin grinned.
"Let's move!"

We all walked in a clump towards the airports huge doors. The white walls inside reflected off the equally white light onto the ground outside. Once we got in our noses got filled with the smells of coffee and various fast food. Yoongi went off to get us all hot chocolates even though Jin apposed of him splitting from the group. We all sat on one of the metal benches. Jimin kept trying to get me to take a selfie with him but I said I looked like a mess to which he replied 'you're always beautiful' but ya know, I have no makeup on and sleep deprived so uh...

Suga came back with a tray of eight coffee cups. He handed them out to us smiling and then returned the tray. We carried on walking, Jin and Namjoon being good parents in front, Suga and Hobi walking behind them together with a very exited Taehyung and then me behind those three, Jungkook glued next to me holding my hand and Jimin on my other side, our hands intertwined.

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