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Jungkook's POV~

I can't sleep again. This time it isn't the nightmares, they have stopped ever since (y/n) helped me. This is so infuriating! Not just that but our promotional director said we have a surprise in the morning and to get a good sleep. Great.

"K-kookie..?" I heard rustling next to me. (Y/n) sat up and rubbed her eyes. The only light we had was digital clock on the oven. It wasn't doing anything.


"Why aren't you asleep? It isn't the nightmares is it?"

"No you fixed them. I don't know why I'm not. Why aren't you asleep?"

"I don't know either.."




"What helps you to sleep?"

"Uhm. Well when I couldn't sleep my mom used to stroke my hair and sing to me.. a bit embarrassing.."

"That's sweet!"

"What about you (y/n)?"

"Nothing really.."

"Oh. It's a bit of a pain I can't sleep because our promotion director said we has something tomorrow and need to get a good sleep. It's a surprise so we don't actually know what it is but he said it was important."

"Ah that is annoying. Hey? How about i help you?"


"I-i could try what your mother did."


"Sure if it will help!"

"Uhm o-okay.."
she laughed softly and i laid back down. I relaxed and (y/n) brought her hand up to my forehead and softly brought it back to the back of my head. Making sure to keep her voice quiet so she didn't wake up the boys, she sang the chorus of just one day, slowly and sweetly. Her voice, even when it's quiet, is so powerful and pure. Even though she was basically whispering her voice was so clear and clean. She continued stroking my head and singing until my eyelids grew heavy and fluttered closed. Her warm hand never left my head until i was sound asleep. This girl really is magical.

Jin's POV~

Is that (Y/n)? I can hear her quietly singing Jungkook's part of just one day. She sounds like an angel.

"You have a beautiful voice (y/n)." I sat up and squinted. I saw her jump a little and look around the room. Her hand was rested on Jungkook's forehead and her other was in her lap. Even when it was dark she looked so damn good in my shirt. I want her to be my wife so bad.


"Did I startle you?"

"A little yeah."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay."

"What are you doing to Kookie..?"

"N-nothing weird I swear! He couldn't sleep so i said i would sing to him like his mother used to. Did I wake you?"

"Not in a bad way. I thought i died for a second and went to heaven! An angel was singing to me and then i woke up and realised it was true!"

"But you're not dead.."

"No but an angel was singing!"

"M-me?! Angel?!"

"Of course!"

"Oh, thank you.."

I smiled and shuffled over to her. I positioned our sleeping spots so i was opposite her. I may have done this so when i wake up she is the first thing i see. It would put me in a very good mood. I embraced her in my arms and pulled her into my chest.
"Why aren't you asleep?" I felt her snuggle into my shirt.

"I don't know. Just couldn't sleep. This might sound weird b-but.. no I can't say. You would think I'm creepy.."

"Never! Just tell me (y/n)! I could never think badly of you."

"This is different.."

"Just tell me.." I rubbed her back and she sighed.

"Okay then. You know how singing helps Jungkook sleep.."


"To be honest it helps me too. I didn't want to tell him b-because my lullaby is.. well specific.."


She took a deep breath out and shook her head.
"You. Your voice is so calm and soothing I just melt. When I can't sleep back at the Tiga dorm I listen to your solo and it sends me to sleep. I know it's weird b-but. Ahh I don't know. Could you m-maybe sing to me? J-just the chorus of awake is fine! Or b-butterfly i really don't mind as long as it's you.."


"I knew it was weird. Don't worry just forget I told you. I will just sleep-"

"No! Please let me do this. I would love to sing for you."


"Of course." I laid her back down and tucked her in.
Her shoulders loosened and she closed her eyes. I began to sing gently and i saw her smile a little. I didn't stop until i was sure that she was sleeping. Her peaceful face and the calm rise and fall of her chest was hypnotising. I just wanted to snuggle up with her but i knew if i did i would really get it in the morning. If only the boys weren't here..


Super short i know I'm sorry! ////

Next chapter will be good I promise! Also there won't be much interaction with Tiga for the next few chapters but I promise to bring them back into the story along with concerts and albums and other fun stuff. Until then, bon voyage folks! ;) ;) huehuehue


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