Four) Escape Plan Flook

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  Alexis wakes up for the second time that day with Eve nudging her. “Come on Lex, wake up.” She cooed quietly. Alexis made an annoyed grunt but didn’t move Eve was practically sitting on her. “Lex,” Eve whined, “Come on, you have to protect me from that Richard guy remember?” Alexis was up then sitting upright in a flash of motion. Eve let out a yelp of surprise as she tumbled off. Alexis looked at her and moved to ask her how long she was out but found herself in wolf form.

  Eve looked at her and frowned, “You okay?” Alexis nodded since she couldn’t speak and really didn’t have it in her yet to change back. Not when Fury still seemed to be sleeping, without her changing forms would be impossible, and poking at a sleeping wolf was never a good idea, especially not Fury. So Alexis left her alone and stretched out her muscles then shook off the sleep. She then took a closer look at Fury she seemed content, more so then as of late. She’d been more and more agitated and now, she was sleeping.

  It was weird but it was a relief, Alexis actually relaxed enough to think clearly. “So…”Eve glanced to the now blank TV, Alexis thought about what she’d shown her and how Damien was on his way to Mars. “That broad caste is a few days old; I figure if he’s not already here he will be soon.” Well shit. Alexis whined unhappily and folded back her ears.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” Eve scolded, “I just figured out how to use this.” She showed the weird contraption she was holding. “Mars tech is so bizarre.” Eve said tossing what Alexis figured was the remote? Maybe, okay Eve gets points for figuring out what that was. “So the Alpha had to attend to his pack leaving us under the care of Richard.” Alexis let out a low growl and Eve nodded glancing over to the barred door. “I told him I was having woman issues and to leave us alone, so far nobody had come to check on us.” Eve looked back to Alexis, “Which is good right?” Alexis made a shrugging motion and glanced over to the door again before moving to the window.

  Outside a lot of the light was artificial, the sun was farther away and even after generations plants from Earth still needed a lot more light to grow right. Alexis wanted to go home, more than anything.  Eve strolled over to stand next to her. “We’re screwed aren’t we?” Eve asked just as someone knocked waking up Fury.

  “Eve?” The Beta called out. Eve and Alexis both sighed in relief. Eve walked over and pushed the desk aside before opening the door. Alexis changed forms, grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. The Beta was a lanky man tall too. Eve was right Martians are all tall, not freakishly tall just taller than usual. “We’re ready to take you to breakfast.” He announced. “Lex just has to get dressed.” Eve said pointing over her shoulder to Alexis who waved and quickly went to pull on a dress.

  She yanked on a light summer dress the fell to her knees and hugged her breast tightly to keep it up since it was sleeveless and a pair of flats before she rejoined them with a light smile. The red was red and just red and the flats were black, fitting to the uniform Martian dress code. Alexis still wore the vile of wolf’s bane around her neck, touching it idling feeling the slight tingle the herb gave off even through the glass. The Beta nodded and lead them out of the room and to the large kitchen, or rather cafeteria for all the people living in the building. A large group of people were already there talking and eating.

  They were all a lively bunch and bowed to Eve and gave Alexis an apprehensive look. Word of Alexis saying she was Eve’s bodyguard spread like wild fire and now everyone seems to be curious why a girl would be a bodyguard. It’s not that females aren’t bodyguards they just usually look like beefed up monsters. Alexis most likely looked dainty and frail, which it to be expected from an heiress not a bodyguard. However luckily she was a red pelt, meaning she could very well be blood thirty and evil when provoked. Alexis wasn’t exactly a first class fighter but instilling that kind of fear in the general public here sure had its benefits. No one just walked up to them without first giving Alexis a good long look, watching for aggression, before they so much as spoke a word.

  It was nice; Alexis liked that kind of power. She hoped one day she could get her pack to have the same kind of reaction to outsiders. Small and seemingly defenseless, but aren’t, she wanted to be a rose. Beautiful but hides thorns. She wanted to be as strong as these Martian wolves thought she was. If she was maybe she would have gotten her teeth around Richard’s throat before he drugged her.

  Alexis was sitting next to Eve and eating breakfast when the Beta was pinged about a disturbance. He moves to stand up as he says, “I’m sorry I need to go take care of this.”

  “Can I come?” Eve asked quickly, Alexis choked on her orange juice still hating the weird flavor and looked at Eve curiously. “Uh,” The Beta looked to Alexis, the bodyguard. Alexis looked back at him, “Please.” She said following Eve’s lead figuring she had some plan to go.

  “Sure, just hurry.” He said and walked away, Eve and Alexis rushed to follow. Eve took one of the disgusting kiwi flavored apples. Alexis kept close to Eve while they followed the Beta to the disturbance. “So?” Alexis asked Eve in a hushed voice.

  “Keep the Beta close, Richard can’t hurt us.” Eve said with a shrug. Alexis nodded and followed without another word. They turned down the corridor heading in the direction of Alexis and Eve’s room when everything went to hell. Alexis was not expecting the man slam right into her knocking them both to the floor. Eve let out a yelp of surprise as other wolves came running down the hall after him. Alexis shoved the guy away and glared at him, but only for a moment. Her eyes met orange wolf eyes for a moment before the orange melted to deep brown eyes, Damien.

  “There he is!” Richard shouted, “Stop him!” Alexis looked up just in time for the wolves to draw guns and literally fire. It all went in slow motion; Damien shouted something and tugged Alexis to the floor. Blood splattered across her face as pain burst at her shoulder with the painful burn of silver, had she been shot? Eve screamed and as she was grabbed up by the Beta and protected. Her shoulder hurt, it hurt a lot. She let out a pained gasp and bit back the scream that rose up in her.

  “STOP!” The Alpha’s voice bellowed through the hall and the ringing sound of gun fire stopped. “That’s my daughter you’re firing at you dumb frix!” He shouted at the wolves who dropped to their knees begging for mercy. The Alpha went to Eve quickly to check on her. The Beta had a graze on his leg but was fine and Eve was unharmed. Luckily the wolves had terrible aim.

  That’s when Alexis heard the panting; she looked over to Damien when he groaned. Blood pooled under him, it wasn’t much but for a wolf who wasn’t used to seeing blood Alexis froze in shock. His shoulder was bleeding the same one as hers. She looked down quickly, she wasn’t shot. There was no wound where the pain was.

   “Guys, he needs help.” Alexis said as a few others joined them. A man that Alexis recognized as Damien’s father pushed through the crowd. “Damien!? Damien! Are you okay?” He rushed over and grabbed Damien who flinched while Alexis scream and clutched her shoulder.

  “Alexis!” Eve hurried to her side. “Where, Alexis where are you hurt?” She asked looking her over for gun shots. Alexis shook her head and moaned in pain, “No…” She huffed out. “We need a healer!” The alpha snapped and half the crowd scurried away to retrieve someone to help.

  The healer treated Damien while they tried to figure out why Alexis was in pain with no wound. Alexis couldn’t understand it, the pain got worse when Damien moved and numbed down when he was giving pain meds. The healer explained that since it was silver his shoulder will take a few days to heal rather than a few hours. She suggested he take it easy while Richard argued about Damien’s crimes.

  Alexis looked over to Damien who was just staring at her, she felt that tug. That stupid butterfly feeling in her stomach twisted up her stomach while Fury helpfully provided Alexis with the memories she needed as the fog that’s hidden them finally dispersed.


Alexis just cannot catch a break can she? Comment and vote peeps you know you want to.

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