Five) The Shooting Stars

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~Play Song~

  Music blasted out of the speakers and laughter bubbled up over the heavy base. Bodies swayed and drinks were spilled the weekend was in full swing and it was only Friday. Though in all honesty it felt like the weekend every day here in Sanctuary. One party after another, a pool party in a huge endless pool at the top of Alpha Beat was just one of the many strung along all either put together by the inhabitants or officially planned by the officers. When Alexis isn't at a party she's out exploring with Eve or Jacklyn Col likes to stay in and play video games or go to the holodeck and run around in the seasonal forest. Alexis goes with him sometimes usually when Eve is busy or hung over.

  Without the pack breathing down Alexis' neck she felt like she could finally relax and just have some fun for once and one more than one occasion Alexis has completely forgotten that she was there to find her mate. Something inside of her is telling her not to worry about it and she's listening convincing herself that if it's such a sure thing that it'll happen eventually.

  In the meantime Alexis has just let loose and let the true red pelt in her out. Finding ways around the curfew in more ways than she can count Alexis feels she's just on top of the world. At the moment she's pressed close to Col on the dance floor sweating out a few songs and just living in the moment. After a few songs she realizes she's not dancing with her litter mate anymore. But she doesn't care this wolf feels right and can really dance and in a few moments their making out passionate and deep. Alexis wraps her arms around his neck while he has his hands on her hips, he's a little taller than her but not by much.

  His skin if hot against hers as the music vibrates around them, bodies press in close but Alexis can't comprehend anyone but this wolf right now; He's everything all at once. When it hits her and she jerks away gasping for air looking up at this wolf, she knows him, hasn't thought about him in over two weeks and yet she still knows his name, Damien. Alexis pulls away from him as if she'd been burned. "I have to go to the bathroom." She said and quickly makes her retreat.

  She makes it to the lady's room and braces herself on the counter taking in deep calming breaths. No, she will not think about it. She tells herself sternly but Fury is telling her otherwise just nudging in images of that make out scene on the dance floor into her mind and giving that knowing look.

  Damn it.

  Alexis pulls herself together and heads back out when she runs into Eve. "Hey are you okay?" She asked, "I saw you sucking face with that guy and I thought maybe you'd-"

  "No," Alexis says, "I haven't found my mate and I don't want to find him." She says as Jacklyn walks up looking concerned. Eve frowns at her and glances to Jacklyn, "How can you say that Lex it's every wolf's dream to find their mate to live happily ever after."

  "Well it's not mine." Alexis says, "I don't want my mate to bring me down. I want to travel and to live a little before I settle down. Finding my mate means my life is over and raising children is the next chapter. I can't have that! I'll die of boredom and nobody seems to understand that! Why can't I just be me and not somebodies mate? Why can't I be just Alexis and not Alexis and Da-" She cut herself off and reworded it, "Damn it why can't I live just for a little while?" Alexis ranted throwing her hands up in the air in defeat.

  "Why didn't you tell us you felt this way?" Jacklyn asked cautiously.

  "Because it's not something I should be proud of." Alexis said looking away embarrassed with herself.

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