Second) Plan B Anyone?

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  Richard set out the plan to them as he, Eve and Alexis huddled together in the backroom, the only place without windows and drones peeking in at every half hour. It’s become painfully clear that Eve is the reason for the uproar and worry about an oncoming attack, so every few minutes where her imagination spirals out of control, she asks in a half worried over run with nerves, “So no war?” Richard nodded, “No war.” He responded each time after he’d explained it the first time.

  “Great.” Eve gave a quick smile and looked over to Alexis, who was sitting on the edge of the tub watching Richard with a thoughtful star as he projected the location of his ship onto the blank wall. A picture of a flower garden had been moved and was leaning against the toilet. “So we need to get back to my ship, it’s close to the glass wall on the east side of the city. From there we can escape and return to my pod.”

  “I won’t let you take Eve.” Alexis said then now staring down at the swirling tiles. Richard looked over to her and narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have a choice.” Alexis looked up at him and if looks could kill… Eve stepped between them then.

  “O-okay chill, it’s not like I’ve agreed to go anyway.”

  “You’re coming with me whether you like it or not.” The growl that erupted from Alexis vibrated the small space and Eve was pretty sure if she wasn’t there the walls would be covered in Richard’s blood in that very second. Just then they went quiet when someone knocked on the front door.

  Nobody moved.

  Alexis glared at Richard who stared back like nothing fazed him, it was probably true, he came from Mars anything was possible there. It was the land of the free, a place of opportunity and dreams. Where the only Pack that existed was the North Winds Pack but that was their home world and the North Winds name could be found on every planet in the solar system.

  If Richard was right and Eve was the daughter of the reportedly insane Alpha that empire would someday be thrust onto her. Moments ago she was just some abandoned pup who could only ever dream of becoming a healer to a small pack in the country side. Now she was an heiress of a three million strong pack and she simply didn’t know how to deal with that.

  The knock came again, “Hello, its Officer Isaac anyone home?” Eve recognized the name. “Stay put.” She told Richard as she ushered Eve out of the bathroom, “Or I’ll let everyone know exactly where the intruder is.” Richard narrowed his eyes at her and growled lowly, “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “She would.” Eve said quickly knowing full well Alexis doesn’t bluff well. When she says she’s going to do something she’ll do it with conviction and full of purpose; Eve has seen Alexis’ parents trip her into doing chores and errands thanks to that character flaw. Richard looked at her then over to Alexis’ smug face as she slammed the bathroom door shut and went over to answer the door. Eve stared at the bathroom door for a moment before following her. Alexis opened the door and Officer Isaac gave them a worried look.

  “Hi Officer,” Alexis greeted with a bright and convincing smile. “What can I do you for?”

  “I was pinged by an Eve.” He said looking down to his interface, “At this address.” He added. Eve pushed Alexis aside remembering the hunger pains in her stomach. “We don’t have any food here, we’re not supposed to leave our rooms and I’m hungry.” Eve said and even to her it sounded a little gibberish-y, but Officer Isaac was a freaking saint she could just kiss him.

  “Well…” He glanced down the hall, Eve noticed the way he eyed the freshly painted elevator doors worriedly. “The interface pings are for emergencies and info on the intruder but I’ll see what I can do, just promise me you won’t leave the room.” He promised as Eve and Alexis both nodded their heads in unison. Officer Isaac gave a quick smile before heading off to find them something to eat. Alexis waited until the elevator doors had slide shut before she shut the door again.

  “Well, that was a close one.” Eve huffed out.

 “Not really, Officer Isaac is too sweet for his own good. I wonder if he’s a full back pelt.” Alexis mused aloud. Eve gave a quick shrug as Richard appeared, careful to stay out of view of the windows. “He’s gone?” Richard asked cautiously eyeing up Alexis who just stared back.

  “Yeah he’s gone,” Eve said glancing between the two silently standing off. “But we should really get you out of here before someone finds you.”

  “Yes I know, staying here will only out you in greater danger.” Richard said with a nod.

  “Great,” Eve said happily and opened the front door again, “Then off you go.” Eve looked over to Richard when he didn’t move. “Mush, come on boy.” Still nothing, “Shoo.”

  “You’re people need you, I’m not returning home until I have the heiress with me.” Richard said sternly.

  “I don’t want to be an heiress.” Eve said sternly, “I don’t want that kind of burden. I’ve seen what it does to people.” She said glancing over to Alexis who didn’t seem to pick up on or was ignoring the obvious jab at her. Sure Alexis was her best friend, her Delta even but she had issues that Eve blamed solely on the fact she was an heiress.

  “The heiress of the North Winds pack is coming with me one way or another.” Richard said with that determination a dark pelt got when he or she knows they have the leverage. Alexis wasn’t happy about that tone because she growled so furiously Eve had to double check her heart beat for signs of being feral; she wasn’t, but is was still so scary.

  “Back off creep, touch her and say good bye to your arms, forever.” She warned. The loss of limbs is painful, in fact in some packs it’s a form of punishment. Cutting off a finger or an entire arm for a period of time and then it’s reattached after they’ve paid their time. Luckily the Star Burst Pack isn’t that barbaric, but Eve’s seen one of these gatherings before; some are even televised.

  Richard narrowed his eyes at Alexis, “Try me.” He challenged, and okay stupid to challenge a red pelt to anything especially Alexis. She lunged at him and Eve completely saw this go a different way than it did. She saw Alexis changing forms watching the way the clothes ripped from her body as her teeth closed around one arm. She even imagined the way Richard would scream as the first limb came off and visualized the blood. The chaos that would ensue when the house sensors picked up on the scent of blood and how officers would descend on them in minutes if not seconds. But in that time Alexis would have ripped both arms off leaving Richard bleeding. Eve would watch as Alexis would rip up his arms so they couldn’t be reattached ever again.

  But none of that happened in fact quite the opposite of blood and mayhem. Alexis did change forms and her teeth bit down into Richard’s left arm but that’s where the similarities end. Because before Alexis could get any leverage Richard shoved a needle into her neck and with a shocked whimper Alexis dropped to the ground and stopped moving.

  Eve stood stunned as her mind whirled, Alexis doesn’t lose fights. She’s a strong wolf that goes for the soft skin and rips apart her opponent without prejudices. She doesn’t lose fights because she’s a mean fighter with deadly accuracy. “I-Is she…” Eve couldn’t bring herself to ask that question. Her mind locked up, no, NO Alexis was not dead; Alexis was meant to go out in a blaze of glory with her name etched across time for future generations to look back in awe.

  “No, just sleeping.” Richard answered and her chest heaved a huge sigh as her body just collapsed as her limbs turned to jelly. Eve tried keeping herself together in front of a stranger but after thinking her Delta might be dead her whole life just spiraled out of control for a moment. A trap door had dropped out from under her and the blankness was swallowing her whole.

 The anger was next.

  “That was a fucking dirty blow!” Eve shouted. “That was a wolf fight and you damn well know it!” Eve stood pointing an accusing finger at her supposed uncle who was turning out to be a real jerk. Richard looked down to Alexis then up to Eve. “I’d do anything to protect my niece.” He said then advanced on her. Eve scrambled back and growled.

  “Stay away! I-I'll fuck you up!” She shouted but she really wasn’t the fighting type. Richard seemed to have sensed it because he just kept coming until then needle was plunged into her arm and the world spun and she was flying for a moment until everything came to a crashing black halt. The last thing Eve remembers is Richard promising to bring Alexis along.


Eve's POV is hard... Like really hard to do. Vote and comment about how you think I've done so far.

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