Two) Sanctuary

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Jacklyn's dress is to the side. The song is one of my favorites, play it whenever you like though I recommend the end.


  The city was lit up beautifully shining brightly in the darkness of the night. Sitting on the horizon like a false sun rise, or sun set. Alexis figured it went either way depending on philosophical views. Alexis could only see it as a sunset, the end of her freedom. Her life was starting; she wasn't the Alpha's princess anymore. She was just going to be a wolf that has a hard time following the rules.

  There were going to be a lot of Alpha children in Sanctuary, she wasn't special there nobody was going to care that she was the alpha's daughter of the Start Burst pack. In Sanctuary you're title meant nothing, everyone who entered the city was stripped of that title and are sent on their merry way.

  Alexis shifted and starched her head, a bobbing pin was poking her and it was annoying. "Eve, help me out here." She said. It had been the first thing anyone had said since she got on the bus. Speaking in the silence was awkward in so many ways. To start, it drew the attention of everyone including the bus driver who glanced into his rear view mirror. Eve shifted and helped readjust whatever her mother had done to her hair.

  "Better?" Eve asked keeping her voice down. Alexis nodded and settled back down. It felt like they were being sent to war, the properly were. No one ever speaks of what happened in Sanctuary. The only stories that are ever spoken of are the moments when they meet their mates. Like everything else is just wiped from memory.

  They were closer to the city then which is why Alexis was able to see the water that separated them and the ferry docking station they were approaching. Other buses were pulled up and being unloaded with formally dressed kids all having come from their packs. No one had any belongings with them, it wasn't allowed. The tokens from their parents are all that's allowed. Alexis looked down to the vile of Wolf's Bane and frowned; why in the hell did her father give her this?

  The bus pulled up next to the others then and the bus driver stood up and looked over to the kids in the bus quietly for a moment. Alexis let out a quiet sigh and looked out the window. The mood was lighter out there people were actually talking and smiling. A man boarded the bus then; he held a clip board and had his wolf ears and tail out. Alexis tilted her head, not many people wore their ears and tail anymore. It was considered a challenge, like they were boasting about their pelt color. The darker the better the more dominate they were.

  "Alright," The man started, "We're going to start out with a few rules. In Sanctuary things are different, there are no packs. So you can't expect you're pack to protect you here. If you have any litter mates they will be you're only ties to your pack back home. However you will be protected, there are officers to do that. We are here to keep the peace, there aren't going to be statues like Alpha and Beta. There aren't even going to be Omegas." An excited gasp rose up from somewhere behind Alexis as a groan sounded to her side somewhere. The man then gestured to his uniform. "We will all be wearing these uniforms. If you need anything you come to one of us. While you are here we are your Alpha's and you will treat us as such or face penalty." He looked down at his clip board.

  "Now, rule number one: curfew is at ten o'clock on week days and one on the weekends. Rule number two: Fighting is prohibited there is no use to assert dominance over any other wolf here. That includes pelt color discrimination." He glanced around the bus at everyone. "Rule number three: At all times you will where your identification collar, IDCs for short." He said and showed a box off for a moment, "You will get one as you exist the bus." He told them and slotted the box back under his arm. "Rule Number Four: No taking your IDC off under any circumstance." He paused and looked down to the clip board again.

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