Three) Settling In

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  Sanctuary was huge, set on a wolf made island named Firefly Island, an ode to the wolf who'd come up with the Sanctuary project. Some years ago long before Alexis' grandparents were even born, apparently there was some kind of mating shortage and disaster struck. The details are fuzzy in the history books which was always strange to Alexis. Obviously Sanctuary's construction was a monumental achievement and should be important right? Well it doesn't seem it the history books only ever cover John Firefly's life before Sanctuary and just before his death, like Sanctuary was just some cliff note in his grand life.

  Even to this day not many wolves know the exact date Sanctuary was officially opened. Not many wolves thought this was weird and Alexis didn't either, not really anyway. She'd pondered it and just figured it had something to do with the accident that happened. Alexis has no idea what the accident is but if wolves are willing to rip years out of the past then obviously it was important that nobody should know. Asking questions and questioning the authorities and figure heads always led to major trouble. Who in their right mind would dare question an Alpha of an entire country sure as hell not any wolf Alexis knows. Even if she was a red pelt she wasn't about to stick her neck out just to satisfy curiosity.

  Alexis' was drawn out of her thoughts as the ferry conductor shouted out a one minute warning. Alexis leaned over the side to look out over the water toward Sanctuary. The huge city was surrounded by water and then a beach, with white sand and rolling waves. Just beyond that lay the huge glass walls with interact patterns of old moon goddess lore. At the large gates stood a huge statue of the Sun God standing proud with his head raised up towards the say and his arms outstretched. The entire thing looked like it was made of gold.

  The city was shining brightly and glowing in the darkness around it, the sight was breathtaking as the sky scraper in the very center of the city started strobbing madly. If Alexis strained her ears she could hear the music the lights were synced with. "Alpha Beat," The officer from before started. "That is where all pups will meet every Saturday, no exceptions. It's easy to find, the huge building in the center of the city. I most if not all of you have noticed it." He nodded and continued on. "Living situations will be taking up right after you get off the ferry so don't go and wonder off." He warned as the ferry conductor shouted out their arrival as the ferry slowed to a stop.

  "This place is amazing, do you think the big cities like New York and Paris are like this?" Eve asked looking over to Jacklyn the book worm of their litter. "No, Sanctuary is funded by the entire world; everything is state of the art and top of the line. It's a utopia among the chaos of pack life." Jackie explained. Eve gave a quick nod and leaned over the railing to get a better look at the Sun God statue.

  "Do you think that's real gold? What will our place look like? Oh and why is the wall made of glass?" Eve rambled out her questions as she bounced around.

  "What are you talking about the city for?" A black pelt standing close by asked. Alexis and her litter mates looked over to the girl. "We're here for our mates, not to sight see." Alexis narrowed her eyes.

  "If Eve wants to sight see she can damn well do as she pleases. There aren't any rules against exploring." The girl chuckled as she glanced over to a boy standing next to her.

  "The red pelt thinks she's important all high and mighty. What pack are you from?" She asked stepping closer almost threatening. Alexis let out a low growl and opened her mouth to retort out a snide comment when an officer broke them up.

  "Hey, back off." He warned. The black pelt looked over to the officer then back to Alexis before stepping back. "Come on Damien let's go." She walked off, the guy she'd spoke to stared at Alexis who just stared back. She got the urge to... She's not sure what she wanted to do but Fury was suddenly full of angst and whined. The wolf, Damien then turned and walked away leaving Fury in a hissy fit. Alexis ignored her and turned back towards the railing as she took in a deep breath like she'd never breathed before. Eve touched Alexis' shoulder bringing her back down from where ever she'd been.

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