One) Three Kind of Love

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  Alexis hates cryogenic chambers, she’s only ever been in one when sicknesses go around the pack. She’s shoved into them at the first sign of sniffles. Thanks to the radiation viruses are can be deadly even to a wolf so as soon as someone gets sick in the pack, Alexis being the only heir to the Alpha, is shoved into a cryogenic chamber until it blows over. Every time she’s put into one there’s a good chance that there won’t be anyone to wake her up for a good long while. There is a chance she’ll be the only survivor of her pack because everyone perished in the sickness.

  Alexis hates cryogenic chambers. She doesn’t dream in them she doesn’t know what’s going on, on the outside and she doesn’t know when someone will be there to wake her up. Fear always grips at her when she’s put into these death traps. It was worse when that bastard Richard put her into one, it wasn’t like when her father gives her a hug and promises to be there to wake her up. It was so much scarier for all she knew he’d eject her from the ship after they get off Earth. After all Eve was the one they wanted and Alexis has no idea why they brought her along.

  The world is cold, Alexis is so very cold when a rush of hot steam blasts into the chamber warming her body and thawing her joints. Alexis let out a groan and slumped forward as the door clicked open and the chamber depressurized. Her whole body went limp and she fell forward into warm arms, “Da…” Alexis half mumbled out as her mind swirled in the fog of just waking up.

  “It’s okay I’ve got you.” The person holding her eased her down into a chair and pressed something to her lips and tilted her head back. Warm liquid slipped down her throat, “Come on drink up.” The person edged carefully. Alexis did as she was told, she knew the drill. She needed to get nutrients in her body to recuperate for the fact she’d just been flash frozen for however long it was.

  “There you go.” The person said after Alexis had drunk it all. She managed to open her eyes just a bit, her entire body still feeling like jelly. Richard was hovering over Eve who was also out of the chamber and looked farther along to feeling better. She was sitting up on her own and staring back with worry filled eyes. Alexis managed a smile then gasped jerking away from the guy keeping her upright as the memories of being abducted by creeps came flooding back.

  “Hey easy there,” The were-coyote said as he kept a tight grip on her. Alexis thinks his name was Jake or something stupid and simple like that. She didn’t care who he was, he was a nut job and they kidnapped her and Eve.

  “What the frix?” Alexis slurred out in slow lazy words. Jake smirked and brushed her hair back. She swatted at his hand and missed horribly. Jake chuckled and shook his head, “Quite the spitfire, aren’t you?” He asked as he slipped a blanket over her shoulders to keep her body heat where it needed to be. Alexis glared at him then looked over to Eve.

  “Are you okay?” She asked and Eve nodded, “I’m fine.” She answered, “What about you?” Alexis flexed her numb toes and nodded mutely. Eve let out a relieved sigh and visibly relaxed. Alexis managed a smirk and looked over to Richard.

  “So what now lord Douche?” She asked.

  “For a supposed heiress you’ve no manners.” Richard commented and Alexis swears she would have ripped his throat out if she could move. “However, next we’ll get clearance to dock and from their will take a ship down to the surface.” Alexis frowned at him while Eve asked, “What?”  

  “The orbit around Mars as more security then Earth we need to dock at a space station before we can land.” Richard explained as if it were a simple concept. Though Alexis was still lost; since when does Mars have a space station orbiting the planet. Alexis thought it was just a giant were house to store and manufacture the products mined from the outer planets and then sent to Earth. Alexis thought it was one of the reasons Mars was so rich. Maybe that’s why they needed such high security, though Alexis doubted it. The entire situation stunk of trickery and Alexis didn’t like it.

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