3) The Red Pelt Tease

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  The Alpha Beat party wasn't mandatory but everyone was still talking about it days before it was scheduled to happen. Apparently some Alpha's pup way up in the ranks managed to get the officers to clear a citizen planned party at the top of Alpha Beat. Without the heavy security a lot more would be a loud to slide. Damien didn't want to go, he really didn't but was dragged to the party against his will as Abigail tugged his arm and whined until the rest of his litter mates joined in and he caved. "Fine I'm going, I'm going. Damn." He said and jerked away from his sister while his litter mates cheered happily.

  David punched him in the shoulder while Damien couldn't help but notice the way Jake was keeping close to David as he smiled shyly. Damien watched the pup for a moment Jake's light hair was combed back and held there with a pair of sunglasses. He was the son of a privileged dominate that works closely with Damien's father. Damien didn't know Jake very well he'd always stuck close to Abigail and Damien usually avoided her when he could which meant Jake was usually avoided as well.

  "Go get dressed." Abigail ushered him upstairs David hopped up and followed while Damien spat insults at his sister that he genuinely meant but nobody seemed to take seriously. David followed him up the stairs and into his room, after the fifth or so night of waking up with most if not all of his litter mates crowded inside Damien started locking his door and locked it out of habit after he let David enter.

  David flopped down on one of the bean bag chairs and stretched out already dressed for the party as Damien walked over to his closet and picked out something. Damien listened to David shifting around. Damien glanced at him. David had gotten up and was standing by the window. The sun was setting and the faint music from Alpha Beat Tower could be heard. Damien wondered if the wolves living closer to the tower were annoyed with the music that plays long into the night. He doubted it; with how everything was state of the art they most likely had some kind of trick that kept the music low.

  Pulling on a long sleeve dark blue shirt and loose fitting jeans. Few things have stayed the same after the humans vanished from the planet however jeans have always been a part of fashion. Wolves usually went for comfort and versatility to the wolf form rather than fashion, which is why loose fitting jeans were a basic item in any wolf's wardrobe. David glanced back to Damien just as he finished getting dressed.

  "Ready?" David asked as he ran his fingers through his hair. Damien nodded and walked over to him and looked out the window, the city rose up in front of them. Being on the outskirts of the city they were in one of the smaller buildings. The view from his window was like looking up a daunting mountain.

  "What are you looking at?" Damien asked and David pointed the airless blimp on the horizon only noticeable because it the sun was in the right point in the sky. "It's military." Damien said knowing that simply because of the size.

  "It dropped something just now; it had to be half the size of the craft." David said glancing over to Damien who watched as the airless blimp flew off and disappeared into a cloud. Damien watched for a while longer but didn't catch sight of it again.

  "Hey, what's up with you and Jake?" Damien asked completely forgetting about the snuggle party he accidently witnessed the first day they arrived.

  "He's my mate." David said looking back at Damien with a serious face. Damien laughed, he couldn't help it gay mates don't exist. They just don't, simple as that. David punched him so hard in the shoulder his arm went numb for a second and he fell to his knees groaning in pain. "...Ow," He whimpered.

  "Jerk, I'm not joking." David crossed his arms. Damien glared up at him, "You didn't have to hit me." He argued.

  "You didn't have to laugh either." Damien stood up and shook out his arm as the cracked bone healed.

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