Six) Crazy Wild and Free

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  A month passes and the Shooting Stars have stayed true to their resistance against their mates though Alexis is the only one who's definitely found hers. Luckily she hasn't seen him at all since the party and plans to keep it that way. Alexis had all but forgotten about it and decides to take up Col's offer to go for a run in the holodeck. She followed him to one of the elevators that would lead to the underground facility called Tiny World. They stand together in the elevator alone and completely silent as some violin solo plays in the background. Alexis stares at herself in the mirrored walls Col is almost a foot taller than her standing at six something.

  Col's got a dreamy look on his face as he stares up. Alexis glances over to the real him and he looks back and smiles. Alexis smiles back but says nothing, not sure how to strike up a conversation with a wolf she barely recognizes. The only thing he's been talking about recently is Lilly like a running commentary of Lilly Wilson stuck on repeat. Alexis looks down to her sandals and bit her lip it was just so awkward and Col didn't seem to notice like he usually does; always picking up on the slightly mood change always keeping his demeanor calm to keep everyone else happy he was a true light pelt. But now he's just a love sick moron and that's not right.

  The Elevator came to a stop and the familiar chime rang and a voice came over the inter com. "Please wait a moment for clearance. Thank you." Leaning back against the elevator waiting for clearance to enter the holodeck Alexis looked up to the ceiling she was met with a worried expression plastered onto her face.

  "So uh...Col." Alexis started looking over to her litter mate who returned her gaze curiously, "Yes?"

  "Lilly huh?" Alexis said the only thing that popped into her mind, "Are you sure?" 

  "Of course I'm sure." Col said not even sounding the least bit insulted as he then launched into the story of how they met. "Lilly was standing across the room when our eyes met we just stared at each other and I just knew." He said in a dreamy voice as images of Damien on the ferry just staring at her rang true in Alexis mind like a howl on a clear winter night. The way he smelt when they kissed on the dance floor, like ozone, the clear, crackling bite of air after lightning strikes.

  "She's the most beautiful wolf in the whole wide world and I love her with all of my heart." Col finished Alexis looked at him and nodded. "Right," She said, "Sorry I doubted you."

  "Don't be Lex I understand." He told her his ears flipping back thoughtfully then, "I get that you don't believe in mates, but they exist and I found mine." Alexis nods again as the elevator doors opened and sun light poured into the small space. Inside the holodeck the sky was clear as the sharp scent of spring pollen floated around. If Alexis looked close enough to the sky she could see the slight flicker of where the hologram is projected. Alexis stepped out of the Elevator and right onto the ground taking in the fresh scent of fake plants that was oh so convincing even to her heightened scenes. Col stepped up beside her already shifted and ready to go.

  Alexis smirked and followed his lead, stripping off her clothes and running off into the Seasonal forest. She was from the Americas, a place known as the middle region in a small town her pack dominated called Salt Lake City, long ago when humans still walked the Earth the city was lively and vibrant with culture. Some of the structures still existence but most of it has fallen away in the two thousand years its lay abandoned like a grave stone nobody visits anymore.

  History is a little muddled around that time because everyone was worried about surviving the fall out and basically finding where their next meal would be then to jot down what happened. All Alexis and anybody really knows is a place called the United States got too big for their britches and went all paranoid ape shit over everyone else which led to the nuclear bombs being deployed destroying the human civilization. After two thousand years werewolves and a few other super natural creatures have become the dominating races. We're known as the top four.

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