First) Maybe He's Friendly

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  So as if turns out, Sanctuary isn’t an island but a giant ship just floating in the ocean and it is now at the bottom of the ocean because of some kind of threat on Earth. They sunk an entire city too keep everyone safe from whatever danger is out there. Eve can see the value in putting a few thousand feet of maybe a few miles of water between them and whoever it is that they sunk the city for. It’s got value but she doesn’t see how it’s practical. Someone could hack into the force field data base and just turn it off. Chills ran through Eve’s spin at the thought of dying at the bottom of the ocean.

  Eve’s bet is on the Martians, she can totally see them invading and trying to cause havoc. Not that they’d want to start a war, no one has intentionally started a war since the humans were around. With media and fast travelling news packs can’t get away with feigning ignorance; there are simply too many eyes on everyone and if an Alpha gets a little power hungry they’re quickly sent to the pound. A stupid name for a prison but so mortifying, she can’t imagine telling anyone she was sent to the pound like a dog to rot in a tiny cell.

  But regardless of what the Martians are up too Eve sees them attacking Luna first. She doesn’t see why they would go straight for Earth when they can take the trading post out first. It seemed like an effective plan for a takeover so logically if it is the Martians and if they are planning an invasion they wouldn’t start it this way. They destroyed the element of surprise not to mention the ship that’s landed was tiny. Civilian passenger ships are larger than that. Heck, it looked like an escape pod from the looks of it. Eve thinks maybe they didn’t have time to set off the distress beacon. Also why would they land in the water if they planned on invading?

  The Alpha’s that run Earth needed to get their facts straight before just assuming they’re under attack. IT was jumping to conclusions like that, that nearly destroyed Earth’s life support abilities and successfully wiped out the Homosapien species. Eve wonders if maybe Earth was just looking for a way to get at the gold mines that run abundantly on Mars. War would certainly give them an in but it could end the friendship the Martians and Earthlings have together. It’s a strong friendship too; it’d be like Eve taking Alexis’ favorite book and burning it just because she wanted to have more time with her.

  That’s simply not the way to do it.

  Eve and Alexis are stuck in their room and Alexis seems to be going a little nuts. She’s pacing and nearly ripped out clumps of her hair a few times. She hasn’t sat down since the announcement, and that was hours ago. Eve hadn’t minded all that much until the lights of the wall and Alpha Beat dimmed which made Alexis’ heart rate spike considerably and her breath quickened. Eve looked over to her and okay that wasn’t normal or good for a wolf. Alexis was on the verge of changing, falling feral.

  It was a defense mechanism wolves had. With the intellectual part of their mind dominating the thought process a lot it’s harder to know if they should fight or just run so when a wolf’s heart gets too high or enough fear hormones are in the blood system they drop into a feral state, letting their animal instincts take over to protect them. Assessing the situation is easier but it can be dangerous for unsuspecting bystanders as well as the feral wolf who’s running on bare necessities to get to safety. A wolf’s feral state can cause a lot of confusion which will make any situation spiral out of control in a heartbeat.

  Eve got up quickly and grabbed her arms, forcing her to just stand still for a moment. She needed to get Alexis’ heart rate down and dissipate the fear gushing off of her like an open freaking dam. She had to prove to Alexis that nothing was wrong. Showing her that Eve was alright and so should she. It was pack instinct to gather and protect, sometimes a tight knit pack would fall into their feral states together if one just happened to have a panic attack. It resulted in either putting the entire pack down or quarantining them until they pull themselves together enough to settle down. It usually resulted in the packs death.

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