2) Shattered Memories

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  Damien watched his and his sister’s Den Mother pack clothes and a few belonging of Abigail’s. Abigail was clinging to him with her face buried in his shirt. “Does she have to go?” Damien asked his voice cracking a bit thanks to puberty hitting as well as hours of crying with his sister. Abigail was having a hard time controlling herself, she says she can do it but sometimes it’s just so hard to remember to take her pills. Damien knows how she feels, sometimes he forgets to take his pills and he’ll wake up hours or even days later strapped to a bed and his mother worrying over him.

  He knows how it is to forget, or just not feel like taking them because he’d been doing okay and maybe if he just skipped this day he could keep it together and maybe he’d be okay. He also knows though times never go over very well, it never happens like in the movies.

  “I’m afraid so sweetie.” Their Den Mother, Tyreese reached over and touched Damien’s cheek lightly, even though they were already thirteen and old enough to live without the watchful eye of a Den Mother she was still around because their parents were busy and thought it best. “But I don’t want her to go, she’s my sister.” Damien argued angrily. It wasn’t fair that she was going. It wasn’t fair that he had to stay for Alpha training lessons. He wanted to stay with his sister, she was his best friend.

  “You’re parents know best Prince don’t argue.” Tyreese gave a fond sigh as she packed away more of Abigail’s belongings. Damien frowned and snatched the shirt Tyreese was folding out of her hands. “I’ll be Alpha one day.” He threatened.

  “Yes you will,” She said and snatched the shirt back, “And when that day comes I’ll follow you’re lead without question, but until then I’m a servant of your fathers.” She paused, “A loyal servant.” Damien huffed, she knew him too well.

  “This isn’t fair.” He complained as Abigail gave another quiet whimper. “Well, if you don’t like it go do something about it Mister Alpha-to-be.” Tyreese said in a joking manner but Damien took it in a completely serious way.

  “Okay.” He said then twisted out of his sister’s grip and charged out of the room ignoring Tyreese calling after him and Abigail whining. Damien raced down the hall heading straight to his father’s study. A few omegas dodged out of the way and called after him to be careful. Damien ignored them and just changed forms to get there faster. Slipping out of his clothes and bouncing down the steps. He skidded across the wood floors almost knocking over a vase sitting on a table as he turned directions. He’s still small with big paws he hasn’t grown into yet as he clumsily flops around until he’s at the study.

  He changes forms and opens the door, “Father?” He calls curiously and peeked in. His father was sitting at his huge desk looking at him with a curious raised eye brow. “You need to work on your stealth.” He said simply as an amused smirk slipped across his face.

  “I wasn’t trying to be stealthy.” Damien said as he slipped in and shut the door behind him wearing nothing but a large shirt. “I need to talk to you.” He said walking over and sitting down in one of the chairs that dwarfed him.

  “I’m sure you do.” His father nodded as if he were just humoring Damien who caught on and frowned. His father smiled and turned his full attention to Damien. “What is it son?”

  “D-don’t send Abigail away.” Damien said getting right to the subject. His father tilted his head up just a fraction then tilted it thoughtfully. “A-at least not until we can all go. She…she can control it; she just needs to…uh…to stay on her meds.” His father’s eyes roamed Damien’s face, “Sit up straight.” He ordered and Damien did so. “Now speak with authority, how do you expect people to listen to you when you stutter like that?” Damien watched his father for a moment before taking a deep breath and saying quietly, “Don’t take my sister away.” His gaze dropped down but he kept his back straight.

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