2) Seeing Her Again

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  Damien was up just as the sun peeked over the horizon. He opened his eyes and stared out the slightly tinted window changing to accommodate the sun's rays and keep the room dark. Damien just lay there in the comfort of his litter mates who'd joined him late in the night and long after he'd fallen asleep. Damien counted four heart beats there with him on the bed. All the breathing was calm and even letting Damien know that they were all still fast asleep.

  They laid there for a while longer; the first night must be hard on a lot of them because Jake's clinging to his nemesis David like a life line clinging to his waist while David just lets him seeming more at ease with Jake there. If Damien was ever putting bets on which litter mates were going to be friends with benefits it would not be Jake and David. But then again all that tension might actually be sexual Damien's never really analyzed their relationship very close.

  After a long while Damien managed to drag his butt out of the bed without disturbing anyone. His entire room was littered with his litter mates. Taking up the couches and a lot of the floor Damien even found a few in the tub. He didn't mind his and Abigail's rooms usually ended up like this after a bad thunder storm or scary movie night. He'd be lying if he said he didn't like it but hell would freeze over first before he'd ever admit it to anyone. He liked being the lone wolf prince, not rebellious but just preferred to be alone.

  Getting dressed was a chore with so many bodies to walk around but Damien managed and woke up David in the process. Damien noticed he was awake before David noticed he was standing there. Damien was witness to an unusual sight because of it. David stretched and looked down to Jake and smiled. He literally smiled Damien was pretty sure his mouth dropped open at the same time his eyes grew huge. No fucking way, David will never ever live this down.

  But it got worse David actually ran his fingers through Jake's hair affectionately and Jake leaned into it. Damien had to announce his presence then he wasn't going to watch this obviously private moment. Damien stuck his head in his shirt and groaned, pretending to be stuck in his shirt to spare David from knowing Damien had seen anything.

  When Damien finally tugged his head through the right whole David was on the other side of the bed and looking innocent as he pretended to be sleeping. Damien stared at him for a moment then looked over to the sad looking Jake.

  "You saw," David asked. Damien looked back over to his best friend, who was watching him now, and nodded. It was David's turn to groan as he buried his face in the pillow he was lying on. "I can't help it, I want him." Damien put his hands up quickly, "Dude no, don't you dare tell me anything about this." He warned as he tugged on his shoes hopping around and stepping on a girl's hair in the process. She didn't even react to it as David sat up, "But I have to talk to someone." He whined. Damien tripped over a pair of Omegas curled up together on the floor in his haste to get over to the door.

  "What was that? I'm sorry I can't hear you over how embarrassing this is!" Damien called over his shoulder and shut the door to David whining his name loudly. Damien sprinted down the hall way and down the stairs just in case David wanted to share more of his feelings.

  Outside the neighborhood was still quiet, unlike last night when wolves danced in the streets. Damien enjoyed the ease in Sanctuary; it was nothing like the tension he was always around back home. It felt almost like everyone just forgot why they hated each other and just got along, sort of how they say the wolves on Mars are like. Living without packs and following a group of wolves and not one Alpha. Damien was told they follow a democracy like humans did sometimes back before they fucked up the planet.

  Damien's quick stroll was soon interrupted when Abigail's annoying voice halted his step. "Brother, wait up!" She ran over. Damien watched her quietly contemplating running from her. That never ended well for either of them, so he planted his feet and waited for her to catch up. Abigail came to a stop in front of Damien and doubled over huffing out breaths. "You...Walk...Fast." Abigail panted out. Damien rolled his eyes and looked away from her.

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