Story One - Fight Like a Girl

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Alexis a rebellious pup has been sent to Sanctuary with her litter mates to find their true mates so she can make babies and live happily ever after. However Alexis being her rebellious self has other plans and is determined to brake the endless cycle of what she calls a pit of endless sorrow. She manages to drag her litter mates into it and they form a group who've rejected their mates. And so alcohol induced chaos, hot club scenes, girl problems, full moon raves and even a termite problem ensues. Now the big question; will Alexis survive being the first of her group (who's rejected their mates) to find the one she's meant to be with?

This  is Alexis' theme song check it out <3


I'm going to try it with my own twist on werewolf mates because I can, if you don't like it, don't read it. I'll also be using werewolf mythology that I'm not used to so just bear with me, this whole thing is an experiment. Firstly I'll be using songs to enhance the reading experience (Basically adding random songs I think fit in and telling you to play them at certain times) I'll also try to have polls during certain parts and ask the readers what should happen like a sort of collab (Let's hope people actually care enough to participate if not I'll just stop asking for suggestions and work on my own.) Also Trivia and guessing games are always fun but I won't have those until maybe the fifth to sixth chapter. So witsh me luck and please help out I'd appreciate it

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