Chapter 1

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Today the sun shone so brightly I was able to open up the front of my Tea Shop and put some tables outside for the customers. The birds were singing as the smell of fresh summer air filled my lungs, making them feel as though they had been deprived for months during the harsh winter. Days like these were my favourite I was so happily engrossed with the beauty of the day that I forgot to put the radio on for the customers and instead sang away to myself whilst I set up for the day.

"Good morning," I called out as Bianca arrived to help. She was an art student who worked whatever time she could fit in around her course. I paid her by the hour so she could enjoy the freedom of flexible working whilst earning enough money to buy new summer dresses or go on holiday with her friends.

"Morning, isn't it beautiful," she sighed. "I nearly never came as I wanted to paint by the river but when I went down there I was uninspired," she pouted.

I looked at her art bag and grinned.

"Set it up over there, you can make some extra money painting portraits of customers or landscapes they can take home to hang in their loo."

"That would be fantastic. Could I invite some other students over?"

"Yes, but if I get busy you all have to help clear tables. You know the minute the sun comes out we get rushed off our feet."

She squealed with excitement as she hurried off to call her friends from college to come join her.

"Can we have some breakfast?" she yelled a few minutes later as I was cleaning the coffee machine.

"Yes! So long as you work."

"Victoria," Mary called from the kitchen.


"How many cakes would you like taken out?" Mary was retired but helped out like everyone in the village. Her grey curly hair was newly set after a visit to the hairdressers yesterday. Her curvaceous figure and full bust were no longer hidden under winter wear, she had pulled out a summer dress like the rest of us. Mary had been a member of the Women's Institute since World War II so was an expert in cake baking.

"The choice is yours Mary, just make it look pretty and cover them so no wasps or flies try to take a bite."

"Tie that hair of yours up. You don't want cake on it." Mary was also bossy.

I nipped upstairs and tied my long brown hair in a ponytail. My summer dress was airy and sleeveless. My flat shoes were comfortable as I would be on my feet all day. I put a thin belt around my waist to show it off whilst making my bust look bigger. A little bit of mascara to bring out the blue of my eyes and lip gloss, I was ready.

"It's going to be a scorcher," Mary looked up at the clear blue sky. "No doubt people will want Ice Cream. Shall I ask Tony to pop and fetch some more from the freezer?"

"If we start to sell them then yes," I agreed, as I was called out to the front of the shop. "Good Morning Natasha," one of Bianca's friend arrived.

"What would you like me to do?"

"Set your easel and paints up where you like. If we get busy and you are not painting, clear tables and bring the stuff in to the kitchen to Mary. Help yourself to tea, coffee or cake. I think Mary has got some breakfast on the go, she will call you when it's ready."

"Thank you," she hurried off excited to find her spot as three other arrived and I told them the same.

As the day progressed word spread and the front of my shop was awash with art students. Followed by some of their friends who were musicians and jugglers, the place turned into a tourist haven, which meant we were rushed off our feet even more than the usual sunny day.

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