Chapter 38

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As suspected my face was a mess when they took my disguise off. I was given a cream for it but it was far too sore to touch so I would wait till my painkillers kicked in before attempting.

My leg looked terrible and stunk. I cried as I thought I would need it amputated and Edward would never marry me like that... that was if he wanted to after the way I left him. I was hooked up to a drip, my wound cleaned and lay in an army type bed for three days.

I though I had caught a cough and cold but was told it was the infection. My hair was a mass of knots it took three hours to get out with the comb I was given. I just tied it in a bun and tried to forget that I wasn't allowed to shave my underarms, legs, girl bits or do anything with my eyebrows. I was a man and anyone catching site of a shaved armpit should we venture out would raise an eyebrow themselves so I was to leave 'well enough alone'. My nails were cut to make my hands look more manly and if we were to venture out my boobs would be strapped down again to make me took less feminine.

On the day we were allowed out, I was beyond excited and got told off for grinning like a girl. I walked to the car relieved I was not wearing a heavy body suit just strapped down boobs and shorts that had a willy and more manly bum on the inside. We were doing a run to the 'depo' whatever that was. When we got back I was taken to the shooting range to face my fear of guns. I had already practiced on the ship over. I knew how to strip a weapon, aim, shoot etc but had never fired a loaded one. Today would be that day.

Oh fuck!

I was wearing so much gear I could barely walk let alone run but I was getting used to it. I was also to learn hand to hand, which I was crap at as my wrists were weak. Stan was not impressed with my lack of defence skills. All girls should know some techniques. I was going to learn to kick Stan's ass.

The gun range was not half as scary as I thought it would be. I had headphones on at first to drown out the noise. Stan helped me aim, get the rifle right into my shoulder. When I shot it, the power made me shake with adrenalin but eager to do it again.

"I am training you to defend not only yourself but those around you. We all need our backs watched and you could be the one who saves a member of this team. You meld into this unit and learn. You are not a coffee serving Princess in waiting. You are a member of this unit and will be treated the same. Having said that if you can get three rounds within the first circle surrounding that bullseye I will get hold of a book for you to read," Stan promised.

"A boy book?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, we don't read romance. How about a biography or historical one?" he asked.

"Whatever you can get will be fine thank you," I was just grateful to be getting anything.

I took aim and managed two not three.

"Better luck tomorrow," Stan said not letting me off.

I spent all night focusing on that target in my mind. I was going to get that final shot tomorrow if it killed me!

"YES!" I cheered as I got one. I missed the next two.

The day after that. Two and missed the third.

I was fuming by the fourth day! All I could think of was that target and getting a book.

"You look very determined today," Stan noted.

I nodded and glared at the target.

"Ok lets see what you have got," he said standing back and letting me get ready. My breathing under control, squeeze the trigger gently. One! Take your time... Two! Ahhhh yes... stay calm. Three! Shit... does hitting the line of the circle count as in or out?

Stan laughed his ass off as I looked at him. He soon stopped when I turned. "Safety, put the safety on!" he yelled.

"Whoops!" I said putting it one.

"Secure that weapon. The get down on the floor and give me fifty," he said. I dropped to the floor and began my push ups. My arms were on fire... bang goes asking about my book.

Later that evening Stan walked into my room as I sat on my bed polishing my boots. "Here," he said throwing me a book.

I gasped with excitement, "Thank you," I said hugging the book. I hadn't even read the title and already I loved it.

"You see how important getting that shot off was to you. How it consumed you? Made it impossible to focus on anything else," he said.

I nodded.

"That is why you are here. You are that persons missing shot. You wouldn't give up till you got the prize and neither will he."

I nodded as I realised how obsessive I had been! I know had a tiny idea of the type of person we were dealing with. He wouldn't quit until one of us is dead.

"If you can get 5 shots grouped together this week near the bulls eye I will get you another treat," Stan said before leaving.

I turned the book over and saw that it was a book about a 'snipper'. Know your enemy was something Stan always said and this was another insight. So much for something good to read. This was homework.

As I sat reading my book, I became so engrossed I had finished it in five hours. It was a biography describing how the snipper had started in the military, and was promoted several times before he became a hitman. It described how he got his instructions on who the target was and didn't give a shit who it was or why they were to be terminated. He just carried out the hit and reported back when the job was done. He had lost count of the amount of people he 'took out' but never kills children where it can be avoided. Where it can be avoided... what the hell!

"I've finished," I said to Stan as I made my way out to return the book.

"You demolished it," he said looking impressed. "Any questions or concerns?"

I nodded.

"We can discuss it over some rice and spam," he said with enthusiasm.

"Oh great I can't wait," I said sighing at the thought of spam again.

"I bet you would give anything for a bar of chocolate," he teased.

"Just some salt in the food would do," I moaned.

"I'll see what I can do."

We spent the next hour eating horrid food and discussing my concerns. Followed by some hand to hand combat training which made me so exhausted I puked up my rank dinner and went to bed grateful my room mate and his farty arse were away on some mission.

"Are you ok?" Stan asked popping his head in on his final check before he got some shut eye himself.

"Shattered. What I wouldn't give for a cup of tea," I croaked.

"Books, salt and now tea. You are too accustomed to the fine life," he teased.

I giggled.

"You look pale. If you still feel unwell in the morning you can skip training."

"I think I'm allergic to spam," I said feeling my tummy turn at the thought of it.

"Nice try. I'll get you some cornbeef instead."

"Mmmm I can't wait," I said yawning.

"Right get some sleep," he sat turning out the light and closing the door.

I closed my eyes, picturedEdward and tried to blank out the sound of Stan yelling at people for notcompleting a task correctly. portKF^���m

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