Chapter 12

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"What are you doing up here?" I snapped at Mark my ex.

"Looking for my money," he said flicking through my paper work in the desk.

"Get away from that. That is none of your business," I said moving forward to try to get the bank statements and accounts back but he raised them higher. "Oh you are so immature. Just put them down and get out."

"I'm not going anywhere without my money," he said full of himself.

"The mortgage payment transfers automatically so there is no need for you to be here," I replied.

"The mortgage payment has increased," he said.

"No your half has as you have incurred costs by not keeping up your payments. I'm not paying the interest on what you miss," I snapped. "Now get out!"

"Not without my money. I will take it out of the till if I have too. Some of us have got kids to feed you know," he said taking a low blow at me.

"GET OUT!" I yelled. "You have had the mortgage payment and that is all you are getting. I didn't agree or sign off on any extension to be built on the house. You didn't even consult me so you are not getting a penny towards that from me."

"Like hell I'm not it is half your house and half your responsibility," he said.

"Yeah when it suits you. You didn't consult me. I didn't approve or sign off on the build so it is all on you. I've taken legal advice and you will be hearing from them shortly," I said making him stop whatever he was about to say in shock.

"You can't afford legal advice," he replied challenging me.

"You have no idea what I can and cannot afford. They have already seen your letter and the statements. They have said you are breaking the law by letting your wife use the card for our mortgage account to top up your funds at the end of the month. McDonalds, pub meals and don't even get me started on your wedding! Now get out of my house as from now on you will be dealing with my legal representatives and not me. If I were you I would be looking for a new home as that one is about to go on the market. The sooner I get you out of my life and my pay packet the better!" I said smugly.

"Just look at the state of you," he said in disgust. "Are you on drugs or something? Is that where all this bullshit you are talking about is coming from? Legal advice, don't make me laugh you've only just got the letter."

"I'm ill not on drugs and you will soon see proof that I have taken legal advice. Now get out before I call the police," I said through gritted teeth.

His eyes flicked to the table and the necklace. "What is this?" he asked astounded. "I'm struggling for money and you are out buying jewellery!" he yelled snatching it before I had a chance to stop him.

"PUT IT DOWN!" I said trying to it off him.

"Bet I will get some money for this," he said looking at it. "Are they real diamonds?"

"It was birthday present!" I yelled. "Give it back."

"Who is going to buy you a necklace? You are living here like a dried up old spinster surrounded by little old men. Don't tell me you are knocking one of them off. Is that how you got the money for the extension? Did some little old fart you were giving hand jobs to leave you some money in his will?" he said laughing.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that and give me back my necklace," I growled.

"You know you could always pay me in kind," he said looking me up and down in my underwear.

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