Chapter 15: That All Along The Way

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Chapter 15: That All Along The Way


My mom was suprisingly the last one to wake up in the morning and when she did, her eyes were all red and puffy like she had been crying.

"Mom... you okay?" Blade asked and she nodded. She sat down next to my dad and burried her face in his shoulder.

"Harley, whats wrong" I heard my dad whisper.

"It's my moms birthday" I heard her sob and my stoumach twisted into a knot. My dad wrapped his arms around her tighter and tried to comfort her to his best abillty. I looked at Blade and she looked uneasy along with the 4 other BVB guys and the BVB girls. I pulled Blade close and she started to sob into my shoulder, shes never good when people are emotional. I caught a glance at Victoria and her face looked sad. She got up and walked into the bunk room. She was in there for quite a while so I decided to go check on her. Jinxx comforted Blade while I went to go check on her.

"Victoria?" I heard sobbing coming from in the bathroom and I started to open the door. Locked. "Victoria, please open the door."

"No" She sobbed and I sighed.

"Please Victoria" I heard the door unlock and I opened it to see her curled into a ball in the floor, a blade on the floor. "Victoria" I said quietly, closing the door behind me and kneeling beside her. I picked up the blade and shoved it in my back pocket. I sat Victoria up and looked at her arm. She had carved I Miss You Mommy into her arm and I let a few tears fall. I looked at her other arm and she had also carved Unloved. "Why Victoria" I sobbed.

"No one likes me and it's all my fucking fault. You hate me, BVB hates me."

"I don't hate you Victoria"

"You always say you don't love me"

"Victoria" I sighed, "It's true.. I don't love you... as love. I love you as a friend but...nothing more. I have Alex now and... you really broke my heart Victoria. I loved you, I really did. I'm not going to lie, you really blew it Victoria. I'm going to beg right now... please stop trying to get in between me and Alex. I love her okay, I don't want us to break up over you okay?" She nodded and I helped her up. I cleaned off her arms and wrapped them up.

I was just about to exit when she crashed her lips against mine. I pushed her away and she hit the sink, startled. I gave her a death glare before walking out. I plopped on the couch and Victoria slumped out, face into a frown. She looked at me sadly and I raised an eyebrow at her and death glared her again before she sat on the couch. I spaced out, just thinking until CC grabbed my attention.

"Earth to Mini Andy!" 

"HUH! WHAT!?" I asked, jumping in my spot.

"It's time for the show."

"Oh yea" I said, running my fingers through my hair and taking a deep breath. I quickly changed, did my hair and makeup and then we headed to the stage.

Halfway through the show, my mom was getting ready to go out on stage.

"If you guys don't mind, my wife Harley is going to sing a song." Everyone cheered as my mom walked out.

"HEY BVB ARMY! HOW ARE YOU DOING!" Cheers. "ANDY AND THE REST OF BVB WERE NICE ENOUGH TO LET ME SING THIS SONG!" She took a deep breath and continued. "Today is the day my mom died when I was just a teen. I still miss her to this day and so I heard this song today when I was listening to random music in my bunk and it fits perfectley so... here it goes" She said and took another deep breath.

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