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Screams filled the apartment of what the occupants of the building considered to be the home of three odd and off ones. At the time no one hung around near enough to hear the pleads of a young voice that screamed out profanities and begs. Only those with the young boy were able to listen to him cry out what he felt, what he thought was right. One however could hear yet it appeared he had not heard a single word being spoken to him. 

"Please! Please! Please let me go to him!" Jungkook cried out as he tried racing to the door for what seemed to be the millionth time. Jin held him back with a look on his face that showed he hurting from his own actions and watching the boy he'd seen grow up look so hurt but the man knew better and what was better was for him to listen the orders given. Namjoon was still crouching on the ground. He was very still, his hands came together in front of his face as he thought through the distractions in the room. Jimin was left still, frozen even. 

"Sit him down."

Jungkook fought against Jin, more than Jimin had tried earlier. He was determined to leave but determination wasn't going to get him there alone. The teenager was forced back down and kept there. Namjoon stood tall and walked behind boy until he leaned forward so that his face was near the boy's. He looked to his red puffy eyes and runny nose. 


"I warned you did I not?"


The brunette's head was pushed down and a silence filled the room for a few threatening seconds. 

"Jeon this is not some movie where things resolve themselves on their own. Did you think what you've done is justified? Betrayal isn't and hope that isn't what you've done because if it is, boy you're going to through hell for it. Is he worth it? Will that boy be worth your family and friends, perhaps even freedom?" 

From the couch opposite the brother of "that boy" was trying to piece together the puzzle laid in front of him. Jimin was aware that the relationship between his brother and Jungkook was one they kept secret for a reason they never wanted to share with even him. All he knew was that it was serious and now he was starting to understand, even without knowing the reasoning for it. Namjoon was upset so whatever the two had been doing was forbidden, Jimin wanted to know why.

"Were you so stupid to betray your family? Me who took you in? Seokjin who clothed you? Hoseok who showed your ways? Taehyung whose been your closet friend? Jimin whose been nothing but sweet to you despite your hatred towards him? What about Yoongi?"

At the last name Jungkook visibly tensed. He raised his gaze fearfully to meet Namjoon's then shifted it to Jimin. He shook his head in denial, in regret and guilt. Whatever roamed his head was unknown but it was sure to be something that caused his soul to quiver within him. 

"Now tell me again, did you really fall in love with someone from the other side? Have you committed the most forbidden act of them Jeon?"

The boy didn't answer. He breathed heavily as he looked anywhere he could until they stopped to stare into the eyes of concern staring right back at him. The brown orbs that belong to Jimin transported him to a deep part of his brain, one he kept to himself only. He saw something in those eyes, someone. 

"I am not a traitor." Jungkook spit out, all the sudden his tone changed. "I did not betray anyone but I did come to care for someone I shouldn't have. It's not something I could've have controlled. Now let me go before I do something I don't want to, you're going to make us regretful monster."

He was back, the attitude and mock filled kid everyone was so use to. Although tears remained stained on the teenager's cheeks, they longer made him appear pitiful. There was change to him, he was daring again.

"You want to leave?" Namjoon raised his eyebrow. He lifted his finger and pointed in the direction of Jimin. "Tell him who Jihyun is, I'm sure he'd want to know what his little brother has been up to and you're going to be the one to tell him. Go on and I'll let you go."

At hearing that, Jimin sat up. He was going to get an answered to one of the things that kept him up late at nights. Finally the teenager would be learning what his brother was hiding, something he had kept from him for the longest time. Jimin wanted to know this more than anything, especially now. He wanted to keep his brother safe but he wouldn't be able to do that if he barely knew of the second life Jihyun seemed to live. 

Jungkook struggled to get the words out. 

"He's...Ji-....I can't."

"Then you can't leave." 

The boy bit his bottom lip so hard blood was ready to spill from them. He had a face of guilt on his face he just could not seem to hide. Jungkook looked into the eyes that looked so much like those he wished to see now, it was what made him give in. Those brown orbs that the Park brothers shared as a feature was what made the boy spill out the secret. 

"In a business there's always competition, we're on one side and... Jihyun's on the other."

The one to break the seventeen year old even more than he already was gave him a pity look before running out the door. Behind he left behind a shocked brother, one who questioned all. 


I sniff me something. Oh that's right, laziness to check my work :) 

Hope you enjoyed! 


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