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A plain blue dress shirt was on display to the youngest of the Park household in the time that was before dinner. A guest would be joining the family and they were all dressing up for him.

"It's a nice shirt, though I'd look better in it."

Jimin was too busy recalling to have heard the compliment Jihyun had given himself. He was lost in the color of blue of his shirt to have even acknowledge the newest presence in his room. There was something reminding of the of color blue that took him back to only an hour ago when he had been with who he now wished he was with. A weight took place on the chest of the teenager who recalled the kissed the two had shared like they did when all was flowers and sunshine. He closed his eyes and recalled the times when he would have puffed smoke into the air then had his lips joined with other's. The last time they shared such a kiss he hadn't initiated it yet so many feeling stirred within him that he was left to feel an indescribable numbness.

"Are you on drugs or something?"

The moment was lost due to the disturbing sound that was the voice of a fifteen year old. The older brother opened his eyes and forced a smile onto his face for his brother to see. Jihyun smiled back then the two took their leave for the first floor.

"I'll help Eomma set the table." Said the youngest once they stepped into the living room where their father was staring down at his phone. The two had spoken only hours before and to say the least, it had not gone well. No one but the two knew what had caused the tension to heighten. 

Jimin took his seat besides his father and decided to do the same as he. On the lock screen of his phone were messages from his friends but one stood out from the rest. A heart made by two buttons on a key board by the person that left the boy feeling out of place. Jimin was shocked to see such a thing under Yoongi's name. Never had the man ever sent him what appears to be a heart on screen. The young boy use to send those late on the nights he could not sleep as a sign to the man that he was missing him despite have seeing him not too long ago that same day.

The door bell rang, the two males walked to the door. Jimin nervously opened it to find Daehyun looking very handsome on the other side. The outfit choice was admirable.

"Appa this is-"

"Jung Daehyun."

Mr.Park had said the remaining words to his son's introduction which appeared now to not be so. The corner of Daehyun's lip curled upwards into a smirk. Both males joined hands in a handshake that was not a first.

"Hey doc."

Between the two was left Jimin to stand confused. The father was smiling all the sudden but not happily. It was smile of knowing, one the man displayed very little. He welcomed in the friend to household and led him into the dining room. Jimin trailed behind and took his seat besides Daehyun who was finally physically meeting the woman whose food he loved so much. While the two expressed the love they had for food and each other, Jimin turned to his father.

"You two already know each other?"

Mr.Park didn't respond with words. He took the cup of wine in front of him, set the rim to his lips, then looked to Daehyun who was freed from the grasp of Mrs.Park's embrace.

"He's my...well he was my doctor." Daehyun said while taking a seat besides Jimin. "A long time ago that was. Glad you remember me Doc."

"Oh how couldn't I not? You gave me nightmares."

"Cheers to that?"

It was amazing, the scene unfolding before the eyes of Park household. A mother and her two sons witnessed how the eldest man of the house smiled so effortlessly for once. The two tapped glasses and sipped the liquid.

To say the least, the dinner was an absolute success. Daehyun conversed so easily with Mr.Park that it dropped the jaws of the family. For that time they enjoyed each other's presences, not thinking of their problems. This applied to everyone except Jimin of course. He tried his hardest yet his mind brought him back to one person. Yoongi was roaming his mind so recklessly that the young boy felt uncomfortable by his own thoughts. That single message with only two taps of the keyboard was enough to occupy Jimin's mind. He thought of the kiss, he had reciprocated. At first, nothing happened but then Jimin let his body stop listening to his brain. They ended it like nothing happened, Yoongi got back into the car and drove Jimin home in silence. Such a simple action left such a huge impact.


Jimin looked up to look at his brother who had called him. He asked for his brother to help him serve the dessert while the two adults conversed with the guest. Once the door to the dining room shut, Jihyun's attitude changed.

"We have to get out of here." Whispered the boy with wide eyes that confused his brother.

"What are you talking about?"

Jihyun looked back to the closed door before approaching his brother to whisper. "He's going to send me to boarding school Jimin! You can't let him! I can't spend my summer with a bunch of weirdos!"

The fifteen year was shrugged off.

"He said you're going too!"

It was about now that Jimin became interested in what his brother had to say. When asked to elaborate Jihyun said he had overheard their parents speaking of sending them away for the summer. He believed it might have something to do with the incident of the night he came home intoxicated. The eldest of the siblings decided that they will not be going anywhere but back to the dining room with dessert and they were not to jump to conclusions.

"Hyung!" Jihyun whined in a whisper. "Let's go!"

After what became a very hard task, Jimin managed to get his brother to rejoin everyone else. They enjoyed dessert then headed into the living room where Daehyun told a story of a happening while visiting his mother. Mr.Park claimed the story familiar, something Daehyun probably had shared with him before. Nightfall came quicker than expected and so the family bid their farewell to their guest. The two friends gathered outside.

"That went really well, thank you." Jimin smiled as handed his friend some leftovers of the dinner. In return Daehyun pinched his cheek and nodded.

"It was. Listen, I don't want you to think I knew your dad was my doctor. I really didn't know birdie, I never saw him visiting you in the hospital so I-"

"I trust you Dae." Jimin said to which the elder smiled at.

"Alright then Jiminie, see you tomorrow?"

The younger nodded his head and said his final goodbye to his friend with a hug. He watched from his porch as Daehyun initiated the car and readied for his drive home. His eyes followed the vehicle be removed from its parked spot when he was joined by a presences.

"Nice boy, too bad you won't be able to see him too often these upcoming months."

The car drove away and the father left his son.

I haven't been feeling like myself lately and things haven't been well so I do apologize if the latest updates aren't the best. (Also update for Alive will be up very very soon.)

Hope you enjoyed!


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