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Chills ran up and down spines, they were not the cause of the frigid air of that day. Feelings of uneasiness, shock, and pure terror were caused by the sight of bloodshed in the isolated space.

The second youngest caught up in the chaos laid on the concrete ground with his eyes glued shut, hands on his ears, and mumbling prayers in whispers. He had impaled his face with small glass however the pain was not his main concern for the tears had stopped and only wheezing breathes were being inhaled.


A hand touched the boy's trembling body. He shook his head in deniable. It was only when the voice spoke louder that he recognized who it belong to and so he opened his eyes. The second he did, he regretted it.

"Y-You okay?"

Taehyung's caring expression and faint smile was not what caught the eye of his best friend. It was the blood that dripped from his forehead to his chin, the pieces of glass that poked out from his soft skin, and the bruises that were beginning to take on color. His clothes had become stained by specks from the ground, they too decorated the brunette's locks.

"Stop crying okay?" He smiled for his terrified friend before letting himself fall completely to the ground, no longer could his arm support him.


Jimin was pulled back as the young boy who closed his eyes. Hoseok rushed to his side in less than a second and held him closely, he screamed out the boys name. Meanwhile Jimin could only watch for he was restricted from moving anywhere near them.

"Sit up." Yoongi commanded when they had reached the in front of the building. Jimin obeyed, he pressed his back against the crate and continued to watch the two fighters now being far from that. Taehyung's eyes had opened, the two simply stared at each other.

"Where is he!?"

The body of the screeching voice appeared to be Jin. He along with Namjoon rushed towards the scene, first to the two on the ground. The eldest fell to his knees to look at the youngest, with a harsh shove he pushed away the elder who held him. Namjoon took hold of Hoseok and dragged him towards the wall to sit up against. Jimin watched closely as Jin opened a box he had brought with him. All sorts of medication was pulled out, silence fell as he checked the injured.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi whispered to still shuddering boy.


"Not okay?"

He forced out a half hearten chuckle and nodded his head. Jimin wasn't sure what he was feeling or what his state was. His mind had cleared completely but stood still, letting him experience everything through his senses only. Slowly he moved his eyesight away from the men to the scenery before him. Dark liquid that was once inside his friends was smeared on the concrete. Sharp pieces of glass of all sorts were spread on the ground joining the dried blood and bullets. Some of knives also laid on the ground, many near the bat he'd once used.

"You stabbed him?!"

At the scream everyone's attention was on Hoseok, more precisely his leg. Namjoon hand gripped the top part of the weapon and in a swift movement removed it. At the action the victim screamed out in pain then breathed out heavily.

"The hell is wrong with both of you!?" Jin screamed, now examining the wound. Taehyung had been placed besides Hoseok, they ignored all stares.

"Answer me dammit!"

No one did.

"Did you not hear him?" Namjoon spoke up. "Fucking answer him!"

The two simply flinched at the threatening tone. They tensed up and stared at each other as if trying to assign between each other who would be the one to speak up. Hesitant, Taehyung was the one to do so.

"We were fixing...stuff?"

"Fixing stuff...Min Yoongi!"

Jin's head turned to look at the said name, instantly his features darkened. To his feet he rose, with threatening steps he moved towards the still man until he stood right in front of him.

"Did you tell them this was how they were suppose to fix their issues?" He pointed out the their battle ground. Yoongi followed his finger and out looked the scene before nodding thoughtfully.


"How stupid can you be!?"

The elder launched his self forward, knocking their two bodies to the ground. However before a fist could meet any foreign skin, the two were pulled off each other. Jimin placed his hands on Yoongi's chest to push him away once he was back on his feet.

"The fuck is wrong with you!? Why the hell are you making them fight!?"

"Because they're men! Not some goddamn sissies who can talk this kind of shit out!" Yoongi stretch his hand in the direction of the duo. "For fucks sake this damn fight of their's is messing with the business as well! I couldn't take it anymore!"

"So you made them fight?" Jin scoffed. "How dare you think that was the best way! You made the two purest souls fight, you're a sad man Min Yoongi."

The two glared at each other despite the words that were spoken to the two. Jimin tried to make Yoongi let this go, pretend not to have heard the eldest's words. He assured him there was no need for his rage to prevail nor for his hand to form a fist.

"Whoa! Did I miss then fun?"

Everyone stopped and turned to the voice. Finally the group was completed for their youngest stood looking about the junkyard. He made a face of surprise as he stared at the ground, especially the bullets.

"Nothing." Jin spat. "Help your brothers up."

He pried himself away from the grasp of Namjoon's strong arms and turned back to assist the wounded, not without sending Yoongi another dirty glare. Jimin set his partner down on the crate before rushing to assist the others. Alongside with Jungkook, they lifted Taehyung's weak body.

"Oh so strong." He chuckled softly. "Strong boys."

Jimin looked to Jungkook who smiled in return, he showed gratitude for the compliment.

"I'm hungry...you guys hungry?" The hurt boy asked while looking between the two that transported him to a car.

"Jin will make something at the house, just hold on till then."

Taehyung cheered happily at the claim. He giggled afterwards then remained quiet. Once he was in, they rushed to the opposite side to help but in the elder. Hoseok unlike Taehyung was in much more pain, more blood gushed from him. He whined loudly as he was settled into the passenger seat.

"Shouldn't you take them to a doctor?" Jimin asked.

Jin slammed the door shut. "I am a doctor. They'll be fine, take care of the beast. Bring him back calm okay?"

Jimin nodded his head and stood there waiting for the four to leave. Once the car had left behind only dust did he move from his place, only then did his headache settle. In slow steps he walked back to where he had left Yoongi only to find he was not alone. Jungkook was at his side, rubbing his single hand. When the youngest caught sight of the boy he brought the hand to his lips all the while making eye contact with Jimin, making sure not even to blink. He whispered a few words into ear of the elder before standing up. He headed in the direction of the entrance but stopped when he reached the still boy. He leaned in closer with a small smile on his face.

"I tamed him, you're welcome."


Ah yes guess who got yelled at but doesn't give a damn :) (Shout out to my Uncle for being a snitch, I'll remember this ✌️)

Hope you enjoyed!


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