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"I've missed you."

The words left the suffering boy so easily it stung him in a way. For so long he'd tried to seem so strong yet he had spilled the words out so effortlessly. He was in such a trance in the arms of who he loved that it was something unstoppable.

"Me too baby."

The tears by now had come to an end but the two stayed still in each other's embrace. Jimin's trembling had just begun to come to an end so he pulled away just a bit, enough to so that the arms that held him stayed put. He stared into the eyes that he'd been longing to look into, the ones he loved seeing before falling asleep and being the first when he awoken. For the moment in the silence everything felt okay as if difference and lies had not drifted the two apart. Yet that was only for a moment.

"I remembered..." Jimin started unsure if he should continued but did,"the first time I saw you. You hurt that man, and-"

"That wasn't the first time you saw me."

At the claim Jimin tilted his head, he slowly distanced himself from Yoongi . His first memory of Yoongi was him besides the motionless body of a man. However, a single word brought back what had actually been the first time he'd laid eyes on the male. It was inside the store just near the alley they had what he believed to be their first encounter. Yoongi was standing in a black sweater while Jimin walked up the aisle to the cash register. They had met each other's gaze for no more than a few seconds before the younger looked away.

"You still looked scary." Jimin snickered. He spoke the truth though, Yoongi did look frightening the first time he'd caught his eye. The elder was just standing there while Jimin shopped for the single item that was at blame for the turn of events in what was his almost perfect life.

"When don't I?"

Yoongi had indeed looking intimating to Jimin at the beginning of their meeting. He had been quite skeptically of the pale man in the dark clothes who laid around lazily. If Jimin would have told himself that he'd come to love him very dearly in those times, his past self would have ran in the opposite direction. Now that Jimin thought back to those times, he found it amazing. He couldn't believe he had been sasified before with sitting in his room watching cartoons and doing homework. The minimum interaction with his teachers, parents, and brother was enough for him back then. To him returning to that lifestyle now would drive him insane.

"You've grown so much since then, you're not so dumb anymore."

Insult should have been taken upon the claim but there wasn't. The young boy was well aware that his innocence made him so stupid. He wasn't at fault for the sheltered life he lived so he definitely wasn't to blame for his oblivious character.

"Yeah well...learned from you didn't I?"

Yoongi smiled, he shook his head. "Doll you've learned from all of us. Sure somethings were only I but not everything. I mean who taught you to blow a bubble with your gum."

Jimin giggled. "Tae Tae."

The same aged boy was outraged when he first offered Jimin a peice of gum, challenged to a "who can blow a bigger bubble" dare, and was turned down. Taehyung called Jimin a sad boy before proceeding to teach him until both their jaws ached. After many tries and gum packs later, Jimin succeeded. He couldn't believe his mother had deprived him of the fun that was chewing on the sweet.

"And who showed you where to buy the best lollipops at an affordable price?"

Namjoon had. He offered Jimin one of his spares which caused him to fall in love with another sweet he had never been allowed of enjoy.

"Yeah but you always bought them for me."

Like always, Yoongi was there to spoil him because as he claimed, pretty boys should get whatever they want. The gum, lollipops, or whatever candy he wanted, the man was ready to pay for. Jimin never abused of the kindness so he'd only choose one or two items but in the end they'd leave the store with a bag full of sweets. They'd travel back to the single bedroom apartment above shop to eat them while watching a movie that would cause giggle fits to the younger.

"Jin taught you what hair products to use, Hoseok taught you not to look awkward when dancing, and Jungkook taught you not to not to make so much conversations with the costumers."

Jimin laughed at the last teaching from his younger friend. He loved to make small talk with the people he delivered to while Jungkook was occupied with bringing out the product. Most people would continue on the talk despite them being done with their job there.

"He hated me for that!"

"It was funny when he'd come stomping back into shop to complain."

The two laughed together at the memory.

It was like old times.

The laughter settled to silence again. The two just stared at each other again, unsure where to take things after their moment of happiness. It had been so long since the two last shared such a joyful time together that it felt nice but slightly odd. Yoongi cleared his throat, he made his way to the small sofa in the corner of the room. Jimin was left to watch him.

"I'm going to assume you didn't come here to rejoice or to get back together so what now?"

The question lingered, neither seemed to have an answer. Jimin, now feeling more comfortable around his past lover, took a seat besides him. The two just sat there looking straight ahead at the drawings on the wall. New art fit the room so nicely that it was insult to not compliment the artist so the younger did. The gesture was returned with a muttered thank you.

Jimin had been thinking for the five minutes they sat there just doing nothing. He was unsure whether what he was about to do was right for the timing but he'd come to a realization in the time they had spent together. He cared for Yoongi far too much to just shut him out completely from his life. The two had been lovers but not just that. Their rejoiced memories made him come to that realization.

"I've got a proposition."

"What's that?"

"Let's be friends."


Ya'll that new vid got me SHOOK. Yoongi's girl is so pretty, they all are. Speaking of my boo, it's been a year since his mixtape dropped. I'm very proud of my son, it been a year since he blessed us. Now we impatiently wait for the hixtape and fearfully for the comeback.

Hope you enjoyed!


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