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The footsteps of the young man entering his home were silenced, not a single trace of him being there at that time was left behind. Softly he stepped on the hardwood floor before dashing up the stairs where he expected the way to his room to be cleared, unfortunately he was awfully mistaken. 

"Oh there you are."

Jimin tried to hide his pained expression at the sight of his father in front of his brother's door frame, the blonde boy waved him hello. He returned the greetings with a nervous smile as he tried to move away from the pair. There was one way out of preventing rising suspicion that he had not been at cafe as he claimed. His scent was far from that of creamy coffee.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" He asked innocently as he slowly backed away for the stairs. At this his father's eyebrows furrowed and his posture changed.

"I'd like to say the same to you young man. The family should be here soon and there you are in a t-shirt." His father scoffed.

"Well," Jihyun interrupted him from speaking. "I think he can dress himself Appa. Why don't you help me pick out a dress shirt so Jimin can clean himself up in the meanwhile and you can judge his outfit afterwards?"

Jimin tried not to look surprised by his brother's request. He quickly agreed with it and so did their parent. The man walked into the bedroom of the fifteen year old who watched him from the door frame. Quickly the older brother tried speeding past the pair so that the smell of Yoongi would not linger in the air.

"Hyung, new cologne?" Jihyun attempted to make an innocent face to which he failed to do so.

Jimin's eyes widened and he clenched his teeth when their father responded with a follow up question. The younger brother laughed it off before disappearing into his room. The seventeen year old did not stand around for much longer, he needed to rid of the strong scent rubbed all over himself.


Jimin looked at himself in the mirror of their living room. He was fixing his collar when he caught sight of the smirking face behind him.

"Yes Hyunnie?"

The boy shrugged. "Nothing Hyung, I was just wondering something."

"Yeah, what's that?"

Jihyun looked around before stepping closer to his brother. He got so close that his face was about a foot away from his brother's. With a small grin on his face he asked what he so desired to know.

"Where'd you get that new perfume, it smells so unlike you. I expect you to go for something softer, you know not so...him."

Jimin's eyes darted to stare into his sibling's playful ones in annoyance. He continued to fix himself, ignoring the curiosity of the younger. Despite the many time he proceeded to question him, the elder did not give into him. It was when he finally gave up that he finally spoke back to the younger.

"Get rid of the earrings and that thing on your eyebrow. Eomma will catch a heart attack if the guest see you with it."

The blonde boy lazily moved his shoulders. "I think it'd do them some good, you know change their atmosphere."

"Quit talking nonsense Hyun, listen to your brother and get rid of those things!" Their stern mother's voice invaded the room occupied by the two. Jimin sent a knowing look to his brother who simply rolled his eyes as he reached to pull out the metal accessory in his ears.

The doorbell rang soon after and so Jimin joined his mother at the door to greet who he expected to be the Kims. And he was right except it was more than just them. More people from church entered the home, it was then he realized his mother had played her words. In order to get her son to be home on time she claimed it'd only be the Kims but in reality she was hosting a small gathering. Regardless of the slight feeling of betray from his very own birther, Jimin greeted everyone with kindness and a sweet smile. Once he had gotten through them all he join Sohyun by the window.

"Quite a host you are Lychee."

The blonde held out a cup to which Jimin drank from. He chugged half it down due to the dryness in his mouth from all the talking.

"Haven't seen these people in a while, they all keep asking me where I've been."

Since the fight between his brother and him, his mother had loosened up on the strict rules. They both were granted more freedom to prevent any other quarrels from breaking out in the now peaceful home. Sundays was the day Jimin would always disappear on to avoid going to church, sometimes he'd succeed and other's he'd be forced to accompany his family.

"I wouldn't know." The female chuckled. "I'm asleep through most of it."

Jimin laughed at her joke despite it's truth. When he did make it to the building at it's designated time, he'd move away from his family to sit with his friend in a corner. Through speeches she'd lay her head on his shoulder and drift away into slumber. He of course would cover for her when it was over, he had become an alarm to the girl.

"Anyway, did you make it back without getting caught?" She asked lowly so no one would hear them. He swayed his head with uncertainty, no other explanation was need for Sohyun  understood perfectly how things went down. "Did the little cutie cover for you?"

"Yes I did. He owes me."

The two teenagers head turned at the sound of the speaker. He forced a smile onto his face as he help up his cup before gulping down the substance within.

"Just came to say you've got quite a few pair of eyes on you."

With that said the young boy left the two be. Jimin waited about minute before checking to confirm the claim. Jihyun was right, eyes from all different families in the home were on him or the female next to him. The suppress smile of triumphant was held in until he faced the window once more.

He closed the gap between their bodies before bumping his fist with the already outstretched one of his friend.


FINALLY got my haircut

Hope you enjoyed!


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