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It's amazing just how much something so big can be forgotten so easily. Astonishing how a fight between two that was nothing but purely horrific can lead to one of the nicest moments ever experienced. Just how after a storm the flowers bloom so beautiful. 

"I expected them to have dozed off by now."

Jimin grabbed his chest, startled by the voice he'd heard. Jin bent down so that his head was now leveled with his and the two could take in the same view. Across from them was Hoseok and Taehyung, speaking as if only hours ago they had not tried to end each other's lives. In the younger's arms laid the most wounded, the one he'd stabbed. Stretched out on the cushions they seemed to be discussing serious matters.

"Maybe Hyung was right, they did need to fight."

Jin shrugged, he patted the young boy's shoulder. "Maybe."

The seventeen year old couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two. If he were to have told someone that only three hours ago the two were grabbing each other's by the hairs on their head they wouldn't believe him. Nor would anyone believe that the innocently looking brunette had impaled the elder with one of his knives. Based on the sight no one would dare even think that the two had caused each other the bruises, scratches, and emotional damaged they endured.

"Oh and Jimin," Jin lowered his voice to a whisper. "If you two are going to do anything before you go anywhere, make sure you wait for the redness to go away. Looked like a mosquito enjoyed a few bits, got bored and left."

Again the elder patted his shoulder and let him be. Quickly Jimin's hand wrapped around his neck, the area he was sure the elder refered to. Embarrassed, he shrunk into the cushion then hid his face behind his cellphone. There he found he had a few unread messages and a missed call from his female friend.

Jihyun: I'm out of almond milk, can you bring some? 

Jihyun: Appa refuses to buy it, he says to stop acting like I'm too good for regular milk.

Jihyun: Please Hyung :)?

Jimin couldn't stop the large smile from spreading on his face at the messages. He read them in the voice of his brother, the innocent form of him at least. He imaged it with a tone the boy would use when he was younger and asking for the same favor. The boy had not asked for his brother to do him any favors lately, none at all actually. It made him happy to think the younger boy still remembered he could count on his brother to bring him one of his favorite things.

Me: Will do Hyunnie!

"Oh whose got you smiling so big?"

Jimin looked up to find Namjoon approaching him with a mocking smile.

"Better not let Yoongi find out."

Jimin moved aside to make space for the elder. Gladly he sat down besides him, his attention was drawn away by the two across from them. They continued to speak in loving matter of whispers between each other.

"It was my brother." The seventeen year old finally said.

Namjoon nodded his head, never did his eyes leave the pair. "I'm aware, he's got Kookie smiling wider than that."

At the statement Jimin tried not to look as surprise. He was more than sure that he was the only one among the other five to know about Jihyun and Jungkook's complicated relationship, clearly he was wrong. Not only was he wrong about that but also believing he had played off his facial expression well.

"Kookie doesn't know I know if that's what you're wondering. I'd like to keep it that way so you know," Namjoon held his finger to his lips. Jimin chuckled nervously but agreed. He looked around the room before leaning in closer, now that they were on the topic of his brother curiosity took over him once again.

"Do you know what's going on between them?" He whispered.

Namjoon shrugged. "Kookie claims he's not interested anyone but that's the equivalent to Jin saying he's not hungry or Yoongi pretending he's not tired, a lie.  Not sure kid but if you find out why don't you share the information and we keep it between us."

Jimin nodded. "I will Hyu-"

"Keep what?"

At the voice Namjoon stood and bid Jimin good luck. In his place Yoongi sat down and a tilt of his head motioned to the man who'd left.

"What was that about?"

The boy shrugged, he leaned in closer to rest against the man. "Nothing, just...delivery stuff. Odd costumer, that's all."

Yoongi chuckled at that. "What costumer isn't odd?"

"Oh for starters, little Shelby isn't. Sweet girl she is..." Taehyung butted into their conversation. He ranted on about the costumers he thought were the opposite of what Yoongi claimed them to be. Hoseok joined in as well, together they built an imaginary list.

"So is the dynamic duo back? Batman and Robin ready to fight together not against each other?"

Hoseok scoffs. "We fought against each other because of you idiot. And we're not Batman and Robin."

"Yeah!" Taehyung agreed. "We're more like... Tom and Jerry, fries and burgers, milk and cookies, Cosmo and Wanda... cats and dogs! Kermit and Elmo-"

The boy stopped naming duos and listened closely to whatever was being whispered into his ear. The couple from across watched as Taehyung pouted his lips out then nodded his head.

"We are Batman and Robin, dynamic duo!"

The two joined hands in the air with a loud slap and smiles on both their faces. Clearly their issues were resolved or in the process of being so. The happy moment lasted for a few minutes, but the positively stayed in the room even though Jimin didn't. He was summoned by Namjoon into the kitchen where the youngest was as well, only the three of them.

"So I called you both in for a reason." Namjoon said. "Which you probably already figured out."

Jimin looked to Jungkooks whose mouth was too full to speak but the confusion was clear, he had no idea what the man was talking about. The elder noticed and so he sighed before explaining.

"Hoseok and Tae are going to be out of it for a while. Someone has to take care of the deliveries and this is a two person job."

"No!"  Jungkook rose from his seat immediately and pointed to Jimin. "I am not doing that with him!"

Jimin simply stared at the boy blankly then to Namjoon. The man patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Learn to get along."


"No butts but you'res out that door."

Namjoon pointed to the exit of the kitchen. Jungkook exhaled out loudly, with heavy footsteps he stomped out of the room. Clearly neither one were excited to be working with each other but Jimin unlike the boy accepted the fact they were they were going to have to.

"I know he's difficult but just try to get close to know him, he's a good kid." Namjoon wrapped an arm around Jimin's tense shoulder. He leaned down so that his lips were awfully close to his ear and whispered.

"While you're at it why don't you find out what's going on between him and Jihyun." The man lowered his voice he even more. "I'll make it worth your while."  


The live went so well, I will definitely be doing more. Thank you all to those who came and I hope I'll see more of you in the future. 

Hope you enjoyed!


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