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The grave mistake a topic is said to tear apart broken couples who've chosen to become friends. As fast as the friendship is built, it can fall. A pair of males sat in a car on a long journey coming to understand just why people thought they wouldn't last as friends. 

Jimin stared out the window of the vehicle wishing that Yoongi would stop making chit chat with one of the men from the docks. The sound of the water was pleasuring until an unexpected call from the boy's father came through. Mr.Park, in his stern voice, demanded Jimin be home in time for dinner with his friend. He gave no explanation to the sudden request but his son knew he better obey the command. Jimin was now ringing his certain friend. 

"I don't want to buy a new washing machine! I've told you this Jerry!" 

"Jerry? Are you drunk?"

Just then the door opened to the driver's side and Yoongi returned to his seat. He said nothing and got the car going back to town.

"Oh hey birdie, what's up?" Daehyun said much calmer. 

The younger asked for his friend to ready himself for the dinner invite had been moved up. Daehyun did not mind what so ever. He told Jimin not to worry, he'd be just on time and dressed properly. They reviewed what his outfit would be for a few minutes until Jimin was instructing him where he could leave his car. 

"You can park in front of the driveway but wait for me if I'm not there yet." Jimin said. "I might be a little late."

In return to his claim, Daehyun made a joke that caused him to giggle out loud in. It couldn't be helped to the boy but he tried his hardest to stop as soon as he could. Once he was done finding his friend's response hilarious, he bid him farewell until they saw each other very soon. Jimin set his phone down on his lap and stared out the window to the boats floating on the calm water. 

"I don't understand why you're hanging around him."

Jimin turned his head at the voice of his newest friend. Yoongi was looking straight ahead with the sun in his eyes and slightly furrowed brows. It was quite clear, the disturbance on his face. His mood seemed to have had a rather quick shift which was noticeable to the boy besides him. 

"Because, he's my friend."

The elder shook his head disapprovingly. 

"What?" Jimin asked annoyed. 

"He shouldn't be your friend."

"Why not?" The younger spat back with a sense of nastiness in his tone. He wasn't about to let Yoongi bad mouth someone he'd grown to care so much about. Daehyun had his flaw but he was a good person. Jimin thought so and he wasn't about let anyone stain his image of his friend. The one who seemed to be trying to just kept shaking his head, again the boy repeated his question but in a much more demanding tone. 

"He's an asshole and really doll you shouldn't be around him."

Now Jimin was really annoyed. He couldn't believe Yoongi had the audacity to call someone else the word Jimin would call him. Daehyun was no where near to being labeled such a horrid word, the younger was feeling very offend. He was also feeling really bold which was why he didn't stop the words that passed his lips next. 

"Really cause that what I'd label you? Anyways, it sounds to me like you're just jealous because he's a such a great guy."

A bitter laugh filled the vehicle as they drove right into the highway. Yoongi spared the boy a glance, he did not look as he would have expected him to. The old Jimin he knew would have been sitting there pouting. The old Jimin would have never respond such way in the first place but now he had and with a rest smirk on his face. 

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